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64 bit SpreadCOM DLL control

Posted by: hitesh.gupta on 27 November 2018, 6:13 am EST

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    Posted 27 November 2018, 6:13 am EST

    We are using the spreadcom activex control 3.5 version which is 32 bit , there is no 64 bit SpreadCom activex control (*.ocx file) as per technical support reply.

    As per support need to use 64 bit SpreadCOM Dll control instead of ocx file.

    what are the compatible interfaces in 64 bit SpreadCom DLL control with above 3.5 version.

  • Posted 27 November 2018, 7:36 am EST


    You can go for Spread version 8 COM which contains a 64 bit dll , a 32 bit dll and 32 bit OCX.

    You would need to purchase the the version 8 because the trial version does not contain the dlls.


    Deepak Sharma

  • Posted 2 May 2019, 4:21 am EST


    we have Spread COM 7.0 and need 64 bit support for our application.

    According to this forum post, we must purchase first the version because the trail version does not support 64bit.

    Is it possible to get a trail version with 64bit support? We have to test version 8.0 if it is compatible.



  • Posted 6 May 2019, 4:33 am EST

    Hi Markus,

    Spread 7.COM contains 32 bit OCX and 32 bit dll.

    Latest version of Spread COM i.e version 8.0 has 32 bit OCX and 64/32 bit DLLs.

    You can create 64 bit applications with Spread 8 64 bit DLL.

    You are right Spread 8 DLLs are only available with licensed version.

    I would suggest you to please contact our sales team, they should be able to help you with this.


    Deepak Sharma

  • Posted 9 October 2024, 12:49 am EST

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