Posted 7 August 2017, 4:22 pm EST
I’m trying to use the hierarchical drop down list within the DataGrid. I’m referencing the DropDown control demo which has the treevew control in it (C1_Demo2008C1DropDownDemoDropDown.xaml and DemoDropDown.xaml.cs). Now, I’m trying to put that drop down control that contains tree view in the DataGrid template column.
My question is how can I databind to the treeview control? If the drop down/treeview is not in the DataGrid, I could reference the control when the data is available and set the ItemsSource with the collection (as it is done in the demo). However, when the dropdown/treeview is in the DataGrid, I can no longer reference the control. If there is a good event I can trap for data binding? If you could provide me any pointers as to how to proceed, I would greatly appreciate it. By the way, I’m not autogenerating columns.
This is what the xaml looks like: