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CancelEditing not working

Posted by: johngiblin on 16 June 2020, 8:29 am EST

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    Posted 16 June 2020, 8:29 am EST

    I am trying to cancel the editing in certain circumstances,

    When I have args.oldItem.levelNum === 1 I invoke the cancel editing. It comes back the with the status of cancel editing and then opens my custom text area editor. I used the same code you used for the text area editor

    onEditingDataView(sender: any, args: any): void {
        if ((args.status === 'endEditing' && args.isNewRow) || args.status === 'cancelEditing') {
        if (args !== undefined) {
          if (args.oldItem.levelNum === 1) {
            if (args.status === 'beforeStartEditing') {
          if (args.status === 'beforeEndEditing') {
            if (
              args.oldItem.notes !== args.newItem.notes &&
              args.newItem.notes !== '' &&
              args.oldItem != null
            ) {
              const reportKeys = {
                entityid: args.newItem.col3,
                booktaxdifferenceID: args.newItem.col6,
              const notes: any = {
                ReportId: args.newItem.reportid,
                Notes: args.newItem.notes,
                ReportKeys: reportKeys,
                ReportName: 'TaxAdjBookBasisDiffBetweenBoyEoy',
  • Posted 17 June 2020, 6:02 am EST


    You may handle the editing event to achieve this functionality. Please refer to the following code snippet and the sample demonstrating the same:

    dv.editing.addHandler(function(e) {
      var status = e.status;
      if (status === "beforeStartEditing" && e.oldItem.country === "US") {
        e.cancel = true;



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