The string is longer than the width of the text box

Posted by: apartyka on 17 April 2024, 10:11 am EST

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    Posted 17 April 2024, 10:11 am EST


    There is an issue in the pdf generated by Active Reports. I typed a long string in the text box (longer than the line length) consisting of letters A and T, similarly to: ‘ATATATAT…’.

    The string should be divided into two lines because it’s longer than one line length, but there is an issue with the pdf generated by AR.

    The problem is that the last one or two letters in the first line are outside of the text box (they are too long for the line). It resulted in the cutting off the letter by another items on the report.

    I use AR v11

  • Posted 18 April 2024, 5:00 am EST

    Hi Alex,

    We tested this issue in the latest version of ActiveReports i.e. ActiveReports v18. However, we were unable to replicate the issue on our end.

    Unfortunately, as ActiveReports v11 is a legacy version of ActiveReports we no longer provide support for the same.

    We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of ActiveReports by downloading the same from here: and try it free for the first 30 days!



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