Page break is displaying in middle of page

Posted by: suman.sardar on 27 September 2018, 6:16 am EST

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    Posted 27 September 2018, 6:16 am EST - Updated 30 September 2022, 5:58 pm EST


    I am facing two issue in my report, which I am not able to resolve and not getting any help from existing KBs.

    Issue - 1

    Tab is showing at the start of each line.

    Issue - 2

    Page break is displaying in the middle of the page. Detail records not finished to display, but in the mid of the page suddenly page break is coming.

    I have attached a screenshot with both the issues.

    Any help appreciated.

  • Posted 27 September 2018, 6:54 am EST

    Hello Suman,

    Could you please explain in detail

    1: When you get these error.

    2: Which report type are you using(Section/Page/RDL)

    3: Exact version of AR that you are using

    Also, If possible could please share the report with us so that I can replicate the issue at my end.


  • Posted 28 September 2018, 1:48 am EST

    Hi Mohit, Thanks for you reply.

    Active Report 9 version we are using

    We are using Active Report in our web application. ActiveReports.SectionReport is the report type.

    File is a C# file. How can I share the file?

    It is not giving any runtime error. REport is generating. But instead of continuous detail data in between it is inserting page break as I mentioned in the screenshot.

    Ideally detail data should continue till the next group it is approaching. In group footer we are programatically inserting page break like below

    groupFooterEntity.NewPage = NewPage.After;

    But for detail section, we are not inserting any page break.

    When the report generating, AR inserting unwanted page break inside detail.

    The report output is coming as .rtf.

    When opening the report with Microsoft Word and enabling “Show Paragraph and other hidden mark feature”, then it is marking → (tab) before each detail line. Which I marked in Blue line.

    Hope I am able to make you clear the issue I am facing.


  • Posted 28 September 2018, 2:38 am EST

    Hello Suman,

    Is it possible to share the stripped down application with me so that I can replicate the issue at my end and provide you the appropriate solution?



  • Posted 3 October 2018, 2:29 am EST

    Hi Mohit,

    Finally I am able to resolve the page break issue by set the NewPage property to BeforeAndAfter in the Detail section.

    Now another problem is still remain - one blank character before every line.

    I have set Left property to 0 for each and every field. But still one space adding at start.

    It is adding one space for GroupHeaders, Details every record.

    Any help appreciated.



  • Posted 4 October 2018, 7:39 am EST


    You need to set the “Left Margin” of the report to “0 cm” to have the desired output.


  • Posted 11 October 2018, 12:23 am EST

    Hi Mohit,

    I have set the Left Margin to 0 at detail and also from code. But still it is showing. Also there is a

    ------------------Page Break ------------

    is showing in each and every page end.

    I have attached sample code here.

    Create a folder in C:\Test and run. Open the report in MS-Word and “on” ShowHide Paragraph marks and Other hidden symbol option.

    Any help appreciated.



  • Posted 11 October 2018, 2:26 am EST


    Please set “EnableShapes” property of “RTFExport” to true to have the desired result like below:.

    GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Word.Section.RtfExport rtfExport = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Word.Section.RtfExport();
                rtfExport.EnableShapes = true;
                rtfExport.Export(rpt.Document, fileName);          

    is showing in each and every page end.

    I am unable to reproduce the issue at my end. Please refer to the attached rtf file.


  • Posted 11 October 2018, 8:40 am EST

    Hi Mohit,

    Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate your help.

    Now space issue resolved. But Page Break is coming in the beginning of the each page.

    In the attached zip file, ReportPageBreak_After_1.gif and ReportPageBreak_After_2 .gif is screen shot from your report and ReportPageBreak_Before_1.GIF and ReportPageBreak_Before_2.GIF which we were getting before your suggested change.

    So there are still that Page Break (before) / Section Break (after set EnableShapes = true) are coming in the report.

    Hope you get the issue.


    Suman Sardar

  • Posted 12 October 2018, 6:36 am EST

    Hello Suman,

    I am able to replicate the issue at our end. However, this bug will be fixed the in the latest version i.e AR12. AR9 had been declared as a legacy product a long time ago and it is out of development mode hence, there is no fixing of bugs in AR9.

    However, I have escalated the issue to our development team and will inform you once I got any reply from them.


  • Posted 12 October 2018, 2:21 pm EST

    Hi Mohit,

    Thanks for your reply. Will talk with our client regarding the same.

    One observation for the first character blank issue –

    After set the rtfExport.EnableShapes = true, a control like rectangle started displaying. After review with Client, they do not want to display rectangular sh

    ape after selecting the text (please see the attachment).

    Please give us some solution for that too.


    Suman Sardar

  • Posted 12 October 2018, 2:22 pm EST - Updated 30 September 2022, 5:58 pm EST

    I missed the attachment. Here it go.

  • Posted 15 October 2018, 12:49 pm EST

    Hello Suman,

    I have escalated both the issue to our development team(Id 265715) and will revert you once i get any reply from them.


  • Posted 16 October 2018, 6:57 am EST

    Hello Suman,

    one blank character before every line.

    It is the limitation of the RTF Export. Also, there is no plan in future to get rid of this limitation.

    Section Page break

    It is the behavior of MS Word to add “Section Page Break” tips. We cannot do anything in this.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.


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