How config the API route of ActiveReport

Posted by: xuan.nguyen on 18 July 2024, 6:10 pm EST

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    Posted 18 July 2024, 6:10 pm EST

    Hi all,

    I see active report call API has routes like “api/theme/list”, “api/reports/content”. Unfortunately, my application is also calling the api in this path, for example: api/reports/getlist, can you provide a way to edit the active report routes to something other than the existing one like ar/ {controller}/{action}?

    I just want your api to be different from the route I’m running, I think this will solve the problem I’m having here.

  • Posted 22 July 2024, 5:32 pm EST

    Hi Xuan,

    For adding a prefix to the designer’s API routes you can specify the ‘Prefix’ property in the ReportDesigner’s Settings

    Please find attached a sample of the implementation of the same.

    However, for viewers, we could observe the prefix does not apply to viewers upon preview and the API is fetched on ‘api/reporting’ only. For this, we have reported the issue to our development team [Ticket ID: AR-33885] and will let you know of any update regarding the same.



  • Posted 22 July 2024, 5:59 pm EST

    Hi Anand,

    Thanks for your support. I await your next information.

  • Posted 22 July 2024, 6:02 pm EST

    Glad to help!

  • Posted 22 July 2024, 8:36 pm EST

    Hi Xuan,

    For the time being as a workaround you can specify the Prefix in the ‘UseReportViewer’ separately for updating the Viewer’s API Prefix.

    Please find attached a sample implementing the same.



  • Posted 24 July 2024, 12:37 pm EST

    Hi Anand,

    So helpful. You saved my life.



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