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Visibility Hidden then Page break applied

Posted by: ratnesh on 15 November 2024, 3:20 am EST

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    Posted 15 November 2024, 3:20 am EST

    I have a active reports js rdl report, in that i have 3 sections of table, after the first section i have applied a page break at end, then show other sections. also i have added a condition for visibility of first section. so when it’s hidden then page break at end remain applied and i get a blank page at the start of the report.

    i need to set explicity in code to change that page break to none in the else part when that first section is hidden for the insertion details table.

    this is happening in v5 of active report js. it was not happening in v4 version currently using 5.1.3 version.

    you can preview my attached reportZexRouteDetailReport1.rdlx-json.zip

  • Posted 18 November 2024, 4:31 am EST

    Hi Ratnesh,

    Thank you for pointing this out to us. We could also replicate this issue at our end using v5 and have replicated the same to our development team [Internal Tracking ID: ARJ-6452]. We will get back to you as soon as we receive any updates from their side.

    We appreciate your patience in the meantime.

  • Posted 19 November 2024, 5:26 am EST

    Hi Ratnesh,

    Thanks for your patience!

    As per our development team, you can resolve this issue by setting the Page Break of the table to None and then moving it to a separate section and use the section’s Hidden property same as the table. Please refer to the attached sample demonstrating the same.

    We hope this helps!

    Attachment: PageBreakSample.zip

  • Posted 20 November 2024, 5:54 am EST

    Hi Katyayny

    Thank you for your reply, i understand the solution and agree with that, will apply the solution. no worries

    please confirm me two things

    1. after adding another section the code side the way i access table and their properties will remain same or not.
    2. don’t you think even if we have 3 tables in one section and one of them is hidden so, no property of it either of layout pagebreak or styles should be applied. are you agreeing with that and will i be receiving a fix version for that

    thank you for your time.

    Please let me know these things



  • Posted 20 November 2024, 6:55 am EST

    Hi Ratnesh,

    1. Yes, there shouldn’t be any issues in accessing the tables, data, or properties as long as the table is part of the same report.

      However, if you face any issues please feel free to get back to us regarding the same!

    2. Your requirements seem legit therefore I have shared the concern with our development team and will let you know of any updates we get on the same.



  • Posted 26 November 2024, 4:00 am EST - Updated 26 November 2024, 4:02 am EST


    Since you suggested me to break reports into section based on the requirement to handle the issue of extra blank page due to page break and visibility properties mess, so I splitted the report based on section. i got one more issue that if we have a table in new section and there is condition to hide that table in visibility property, so that same condition should also be there in section visibility condition. else if in case there is no condition in section and that single table present in section is hidden as per current visibility expression then the section would be visible for sure and will give a blank page. the main issue with this is that suppose i don’t have those variable in the my report properties and i want to change visibility on code side so i am not sure how i can handle the section visibility at code side. none of properties i saw when i logged in console. so currently my report table is hidden but section is visibile and giving me a blank page.

    please let me know how i can resolve this issue.ZexTerritoryOptimize.rdlx-json.zip

  • Posted 26 November 2024, 6:18 am EST

    Hi Ratnesh,

    I am not sure I fully understand your requirement, from what I understand you are concerned that if the field on which the hidden condition is specified for the section is not there then the Section will always be visible, hence, displaying a blank page.

    To tackle this scenario and hide the Section from the code side, you can introduce a new parameter for eg. ‘Section2Visibile’, and in the ‘Hidden’ property of the Section with the ‘IIF’ block you can add an ‘AND @Section2Visible’ condition, this way even if the field is not available you can set the property of ‘Section2Visible’ to false and the second section will be hidden.

    Please find attached the updated sample for the same.




  • Posted 26 November 2024, 6:58 am EST

    Hi Anand,

    thanks for the solution and getting my question right. although don’t you think if the table is being hidden at the code side and suppose the section has single table or n table but all are hidden due to some condition at code side then that section should also be hidden right. it should not show blank page



  • Posted 27 November 2024, 6:02 am EST

    Hi Ratnesh,

    The ‘Control’s’ visibility does not always suggest whether a section should be hidden or be left blank, as per the use case of a ReportSection there could be multiple controls in a section out of which some of them can be toggled to be hidden in certain conditions.

    Therefore, if a control is hidden does not always suggest that a report section should also be hidden, however, if a report section is hidden all its controls will automatically be hidden. So you can just specify the hidden condition to your Section instead of the table.



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