Posted 6 January 2025, 2:59 am EST
We tested exporting your shared report to PDF, and it got exported to PDF of size 23 kb with only Ariel font embedded in it. In ActiveReports 18, the default value of NeverEmbedFonts is null, whereas ActiveReports 17 and versions before that have
"Arial;Courier New;Times New Roman"
as the default value for
NeverEmbedFonts property. So, when you are exporting using ActiveReports 16, Arial font is being used but not getting embedded in the PDF, but in ActiveReports 18, it is getting embedded as well.
In ActiveReports 18, you may explicitly specify the fonts that you don’t want to embed by passing a semicolon-delimited string of values indicating fonts that you don’t want to embed in your exported PDF as follows:
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport PdfExport1 = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport();
PdfExport1.NeverEmbedFonts = "Arial";
After specifying the NeverEmbedFonts property, you’ll observe that the exported PDF size is now 4 kb.
Not sure why SegoeUIEmoji font is getting embedded into your exported PDF as it is not replicable at our end. Please try exporting your report to PDF using the attached sample and let us know if the SegoeUIEmoji font is still getting embedded in your exported PDF. Maybe you can also try passing SegoeUIEmoji font alog with Ariel font in the NeverEmbedFonts property as follows and see if it helps:
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport PdfExport1 = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport();
PdfExport1.NeverEmbedFonts = "Arial;SegoeUIEmoji";