ActiveReports 16.3 Has Released!

Posted by: alec.gall on 15 November 2022, 12:21 pm EST

  • Posted 15 November 2022, 12:21 pm EST

    ActiveReports 16.3 is live! This is the third service pack update for ActiveReports 16 and is available for free to all existing subscribers.

    For more information on the new features arriving with 16.3, check out the release blog here:

    ActiveReports 16.3 Download:

    Below you will find a list of reported issues that were fixed in this service pack:

    *AR-29683 - WPF Viewer ViewModel Binding Error in a MVVM Model

    *AR-29667 - Not able to use relative path in the .config file for embedded fonts

    *AR-29664 - Localizing ‘Chart.Win’ does not work in ActiveReports 16

    *AR-29630 - Korean text in certain fonts is broken when exporting to PDF

    *AR-29608 - Unordered-lists bullets don’t change their shape when changing their “type” property to “square” or “disc”

    *AR-29581 - Error after changing export settings several times

    *AR-29474 - Total pages displaying as “?” when previewing long RDL report in Galley Mode

    *AR-29449 - Word Wrapping does not consider numerical values as word

    *AR-29444 - Subreport with duplicate control names shows error on rendering

    *AR-29412 - AR16 crashes with certain font files

    *AR-29389 - The report datasource is requested 3 times on preview in JSViewer

    *AR-29380 - Exporting SubReports to CSV does not export its content

    *AR-29326 - Hovering over the button of DropDown Editor shows tooltip “Expand Calendar” in JSViewer

    *AR-29265 - Unable to set culture to Turkish tr-TR

    *AR-29092 - TreeViewParameter Cutoff values at the bottom of the page

    *AR-29080 - Thai characters are not correctly exported to PDF

    *AR-27356 - Cannot set different colors on multiple series in Line Chart

  • Posted 20 December 2022, 4:53 pm EST

    I hunt in vain to understand what the point releases fix and do. It’s always a challenge and I simply despise the fact AR makes it so difficult to find… for years.

    Can anyone please tell me what was fixed in 16.3.2?

  • Posted 21 December 2022, 3:50 am EST

    Hello John,

    Here is a list of the fixed issues in 16.3.2:

    AR-29891 [RDLReport] [Word Export] Word export hides certain ‘Visible’ rows if there are a few blank rows with their Visibility: Hidden set to true.

    AR-29861 If preview of a report contains a table and the table only has one row, there is a blank page.

    AR-29808 [SectionReport-CrossPlatform] [Export] | PDF Export does not follow the WYSIWYG layout when using ‘\t’ characters.

    AR-29783 When the report item size larger than designer, warning “Report item could not exceed page size” show forever

    AR-29776 [16.3.1] When table is nested into the container, created in WebDesigner, the container is not stretched by the table in preview

    AR-29757 Error when executing file converter against ASP.NET website

    AR-29742 When a report contains bullet, then the report saved and reopened, the report’s preview won’t work

    AR-29723 [Font Factory] SectionReports improvements

    AR-29699 [16.3] Selecting ‘No credentials’ option in Credentials does not reset the user name and password in the connection string

    AR-29696 [16.3] Editing the password directly in the connection string resets its saving setting for OLE DB provider

    AR-29678 [16.3] Data source credentials settings do not override ‘Save my password’ option on adding a data set

    AR-29673 [16.3] Distribute and DistributeAllLines not work correctly with Legacy setting of Line breaking algorithm

    AR-29182 [16.2] Positioning is incorrect in cm measurement


    Sergey Romanov.

  • Posted 21 December 2022, 4:16 am EST

    Hi John,

    Thank you for your feedback. I hope the above reply by Sergey fulfill your current requirements.

    For future updates, I have added this as an enhancement request to add release notes for the minor version update in ActiveReports official documentation and other sources as well. [AR-29959][AR-29960][ARDOC-4225]

  • Posted 21 December 2022, 12:00 pm EST

    Thank you Sergey.

  • Posted 21 December 2022, 12:01 pm EST


    That is exactly what I would prefer… details readily available in the official docs. Thank you.

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