Document Solutions for Word 30-Day Free Trial
Custom Code Your Word Documents in .NET 6+
Take total control of Word documents with the fastest Word API available for .NET 6+.
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What's Inside

Generate Word documents, in less time—with no dependencies on Microsoft Word!
- Fast and efficient: Save memory and time with the lightweight API architecture. The bigger the document, the faster our API, when compared to the competition.
- Extract data from Word documents: Parse existing Word documents into databases or generate new Word documents as needed—extraction includes everything from text to paragraphs to images.
- Simple, convenient object model: This all-new, feature-rich object model is based on Microsoft Office API, Word JavaScript API, and OpenXML SDK and was written to be straightforward and intuitive.
- Full .NET support for Windows, Linux, and Mac: Develop for any .NET 6+ platform or major operating systems with a single code base. Use in your apps for .NET 6+, .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android.
- Convert Word to PDF: Quickly convert documents to PDF in code—a top use case for this fast API.
- Deploy apps with Word to the cloud: Be everywhere with cloud-based deployment—with NuGet and Document Solutions for Word, you can deploy to Azure, AWS, and AWS Lambda.