Adding a Standard Menu Item from the Link to Command Designer
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To add a standard command item with a built-in image from the Link to Command designer, complete the following steps:
- Click the empty command item twice from the C1MainMenu control. The Link to Command designer appears.
- Select one of the standard commands from the listbox, for example, Find.
- Click OK.
The new command item and its built-in image appears in the C1MainMenu control on the form.
- Select the menu, Find, and select the C1CommandLink Properties button from its toolbar. The dialog box for the C1CommandLink properties to appear.
Note: The toolbar for the command item will not appear if the Smart Designer is not enabled.
- Click on the drop-down arrow for the Button look drop-down box and select TextAndImage.
The built-in image appears next to the text, Find.
Note: The same procedure can be applied when adding a standard command item to the C1ToolBar control.
See Also