ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms Task-Based Help / ToolBar Tasks / Modifying the Appearance of the Toolbar
In This Topic
    Modifying the Appearance of the Toolbar
    In This Topic

    To modify the appearance of the toolbar, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the C1ToolBar drop-down arrow in the Properties window.
    2. Expand the Font properties of the C1ToolBar component. Set the following font properties:
      Font.Name = Arial
      Font.Size = 9
    3. Set the following C1ToolBar properties:
      BackColor = #0066CC
      BackHiColor = Pale Turquoise
      ForeColor = White
      ForeHicolor = #003399
    4. Expand the C1ToolBar.Border properties node. Set the following C1ToolBar properties:
      Border.Light Color = Pale Turquoise
      Border.Style = Outset
      Border.Width = 3
      The toolbar appears like the following at run time:
    See Also