Design-Time Support

C1Command provides visual editing to make it easier to create menus, toolbars, outbars, and docking tabs with the Microsoft Visual Studio look and feel.

You can make changes to the C1Command controls by using one or more of the following visual editors:

In-Place Editing

You can quickly edit menu and toolbar items' text using the in-place editing feature. For more information about using the in-place editing feature, see In-Place Text Editing.

Invoking the Smart Tags

You can easily set common properties for the C1Command controls using its smart tags. For more information about the smart tags in C1Command, see C1Command Smart Tags.

Invoking the Context Menus

You can easily configure any of the C1Command components at design time by using its associated context menu. For more information on C1Command context menus, see the C1Command Context Menus.

Invoking the C1Command Editor

You can easily edit C1CommandLinks at design-time through its Edit designer.

Design Time Editors

C1Command provides seven collection editors: C1Command Collection Editor, C1CommandLink Collection Editor, C1DockingTabPage Collection Editor, C1NavBarButton Collection Editor, C1OutPage Collection Editor, C1TopicPage Collection Editor, and C1TopicLink Collection Editor. The main part for each of the editor's application consists of a windows form which conveniently allows the user to edit the C1MainMenuC1ToolBarC1DockingTabC1NavBarC1OutBar, or C1TopicBar controls.

Showing the C1Command Control's Properties

You can access the properties for any of C1Commands components simply by right-clicking on the control and selecting Properties or by selecting the class from the drop-down box of the Properties window.

The following section details each type of support available in C1Command.