Easier-to-Click Checkboxes in FlexGrid
By default, the FlexGrid uses standard HTML checkboxes for editing Boolean columns:
A few of our customers told us they found the checkboxes a little small and hard to click. We suggested this simple CSS-based workaround:
.wj-flexgrid .wj-cell-check {
transform: scale(1.5);
This makes the checkboxes larger and easier to see and click.
This solution was fine for most of those customers, but a few told us what they really wanted was to be able to toggle the checkboxes by clicking the empty part of the cell.
We addressed that request by adding a bigCheckboxes property to the FlexGrid. If you set this new property to true, users will be able to toggle the checkboxes by clicking anywhere on the Boolean cells.
Read the full Wijmo 2020 v1 release.
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