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What's New in ActiveReportsJS 5.1

We are excited to announce the release of the newest version of ActiveReportsJS, version 5.1. This update includes several improvements and new features that will continue to enhance your reporting experience. New features include master reports and dynamic section visibility, instant visuals for charts and tables, pre-built themes, and much more.

Master Reports

Master Reports is a powerful new feature that allows you to create reusable report templates, ensuring consistency across all your reports. With Master Reports, you can define fixed elements (Master Items) and flexible content areas (Content Placeholders) that can be used to quickly generate new reports while maintaining a uniform structure. Any updates made to a Master Report automatically apply to all associated reports, making it easier than ever to manage and update your reporting templates. You can find more details on the Master Reports page.

Instant Visuals

You can now quickly create charts, tables, or pivot tables to visualize your data using the Instant Visuals feature. After selecting your data fields, simply choose from a range of pre-built visualizations and drag them into your report.

Instant Visuals

For detailed instructions on how to use this feature, refer to the Instant Visuals section in the documentation.

Dynamic Section Visibility for Pageless and Continuous Page Layouts

We’ve introduced a new feature that allows for dynamic control over the visibility of sections within both Pageless and Continuous Page Layouts.

Key Details:

  • Hidden Property with Expressions: The Hidden property of a section can now be set to an expression that evaluates at runtime. This expression can make use of report parameters.
  • Boolean Evaluation: If the expression assigned to the Hidden property evaluates to a Boolean True value, the section will be hidden. This allows for sections to be shown or hidden based on runtime conditions.

This feature is useful for creating reports where certain sections need to be displayed or hidden depending on user input or the data being presented. It enhances the flexibility and customization of reports in both the Pageless and Continuous Page Layouts.

Page Layouts

Automatic Data Types Annotation

The Data Set validation process now includes automatic field data type annotation. This feature improves the data handling process by automatically detecting field data types (e.g., Number, String, Boolean, or Date) and annotating them during validation.

It also provides special handling for date fields, which are typically represented as strings in JSON. The auto-annotation feature recognizes several common date formats, such as ISO 8601, and annotates these fields accordingly, making it easier to work with date-related data without manual intervention. You can still modify these annotations as needed, but automatic detection ensures a more intuitive and faster setup process. The screenshot below shows the automatically recognized field types for the Orders end-point of our demo-data web service.

Field types

Pre-built Themes

ActiveReportsJS now offers more than a dozen pre-built themes that you can easily apply to your reports. These themes allow you to quickly style your reports with predefined color schemes and fonts, ensuring a consistent and professional look across multiple reports. For more details on how to use these themes, refer to the Use Pre-built Themes documentation.

Built-in theme

Vertical Align Property for RichText Component

The RichText Report Item now includes the Vertical Align property. This feature allows you to align the content vertically within the RichText control bounds, offering the Top, Middle, and Bottom alignment options.

Ready to Check Out the Latest Release? Download ActiveReportsJS Today!

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