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GrapeCity releases ComponentOne Ultimate 2018 v2

GrapeCity Developer Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of ComponentOne Ultimate 2018 v2, which includes new controls, designers, and enhancements in ComponentOne Studio Enterprise, Wijmo, and ComponentOne Studio for Xamarin.

Release Highlights

  • Wijmo's new web-based and VSCode designers will change the way you work with Wijmo UI controls! These designers enable you to configure controls in a design surface and generate JavaScript for your apps. Read more about the web-based Wijmo Designer | Read more about the VSCode Designer

  • Our control styles (layout, default styling) were previously written in CSS. Initially, it started simple, but it had grown to a point where it was hard to manage. We decided to rewrite our styles using Sass and a better organization. The end result will be similar for our customers, but you'll experience some nice benefits. Read more about SASS in Wijmo

  • We're happy to reveal a real-world reference application for Wijmo that uses React and Redux. The application is a financial dashboard for tracking cryptocurrency values that's modeled after a production application one of our customers would develop. It uses modern design patterns for React/Redux and a variety of Wijmo controls, and should help you evaluate and develop Wijmo apps. Try React/Redux CryptoCurrencyTracking sample

  • As Vue continues to gain popularity, we're improving our interop. This release adds some nice enhancements to our Vue 2 support. Most significantly, child components now correctly work in dynamic scenarios like with the v-for and v-if directives. Try Vue 2 AllComponents sample

Get all the details in the release blog

Release Highlights

  • Embed ComponentOne's data controls and design dynamic screens and business intelligence dashboards with the interactive Dashboard Layout control. You can choose layouts that fit your screen requirements, and built-in features like drag and drop, maximize and restore, save and load layouts, and conversion of existing layouts provide a powerful layout system. Learn more: ASP.NET MVC | WinForms

  • The TabPanel layout control is now available for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core apps. It's a simple, effective navigation control that allows the user to move between refreshed content views. Controls can be embedded into the panels. Try the demo

  • The FlexChart team has added several new charts to the collection of over 80 charts and variations, including HeatMap and Histogram variations. Learn more

  • We've added 14 new barcodes to WinForms, WPF, and UWP. Read more about barcodes

Get all the details in the release blog

Release Highlights

  • We’re adding a new Histogram chart type for FlexChart for this release and adding some enhancements to our animations. Sunburst charts now have new load and update animations, and we’ve improved the easing functionality on iOS by adding implicit conversion of CAMediaTimingFunction to C1Easing. Read more

  • In Input controls, we’ve added an AutoCompleteMode property for the AutoComplete control. We’ve always supported custom filtering for these controls, but this property makes it much easier to switch between Contains, StartsWith, and EndsWith, and it also lets you set a flag to MatchCase or MatchWholeWord. Read more

  • FlexGrid is also getting some significant new enhancements. In this release, we’ve added the KeyActionTab property with ability to allow Excel-like tab cycling. Read more about FlexGrid

Get all the details in the release blog

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