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Optimal coding languages cut down on programming mistakes

Application development is quickly becoming a necessary element in business operations as more employees look to use their devices for everyday tasks. Programmers must be able to meet these needs with their finished products by providing the best tools available. While new component suites have changed the opportunities for app building, developers must ensure that they have thoroughly tested their software and have appropriately planned for any potential risks. As more mobile hardware continues to enter the work environment, it will be important to supply staff with applications that enhance their operations and benefit the entire organization.

Web-based languages changing the game
With the variety of equipment in the mobile marketplace, it should be no surprise that there are a number of different languages that developers can use to create their program. While some may stick to their tried-and-true methods, there are a few technologies that have changed software projects for the better. GCN noted that Rails upped the game by enabling Web applications to run faster than ever before, while Node.js pioneered the single-threaded, event-driven architecture for the Web, making more reactive programs. These coding approaches, among others, have significantly changed how developers approach their projects.

"A Node.js application is always ready to service new requests as high-latency operations like database queries are handed off, and users are notified when they're done so they can process the results," GCN stated. "The result is a highly-scalable, blazingly fast application."

Although still a relatively young technology, HTML5 development is on its way to its own groundbreaking applications. As a Web-based program, it's become one of the only systems that can provide true cross-platform functionality and quality that's comparable with mobile programs. This method not only allows the business to save significant costs, but it also will enable them to deliver updates more quickly, ensuring that any problems are mitigated.

Don't let bad coding get you
While many programming languages have improved the development process and app capabilities, none of that matters if the coding itself is sloppy. Network World contributor Paul Rubens noted that prematurely optimizing code, hard-coding passwords, inadequate formatting and typos in the programming can set back any application project. Lack of formatting will make it more difficult to identify any mistakes. Coding typos could derail operations entirely. For this reason, it's necessary to fully test the software in every step of the process and ensure that it functions as expected. Once this happens, programmers can start to optimize their code for better overall performance.

Another significant issue is simply failing to plan. Many developers worry about what language to use, but the reality is that by creating a strategy for the future, programmers can then decide which approach will be best to meet these needs.

"What's your project for, how much will it be expected to scale, how many users will it have and how fast must it run?" Rubens questioned. "The answers to these questions may not be available - but if you fail to make estimates, then how can you choose a suitable framework for developing the application that will be able to meet these requirements?"


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