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ComponentOne 2024 v2 Maintenance Release #1 Now Available

We’re pleased to announce our first maintenance update of 2025 is now available across various channels. The ComponentOne release schedule includes two major releases and four maintenance releases each year. The major releases will include new features, products, and controls, while the four maintenance releases primarily include bug fixes and some small improvements.

Below, we’ll review how to update and explore the improvements.

Ready to try it out? Download ComponentOne Today!

How to Update

There are two ways to update the ComponentOne control libraries:

  1. Using NuGet packages: If your project is referencing our packages from, simply check it for available updates in your solution through the Visual Studio Tools menu.
  2. Using the C1ControlPanel (web installer): If you’re referencing local assemblies, you can update them through our web installer on the Build Repository tab.
    1. Launch the C1ControlPanel or download it again from our website
    2. Click the Build Repository tab
    3. Check the box to include prerelease and hotfix versions
    4. Locate the version you have installed and click Update
    5. Choose the latest version and proceed


What’s Been Updated


WinForms Office 365 Theme Improvements—If you’re using our new Office 365 Themes, you will want to update to the latest version as we improved the theme for several controls including C1Label, C1CheckBox, C1Sizer, C1ExpressionEditor, C1Ribbon, and FlexChart.

FlexGrid for Blazor Performance Improvements—We’ve performed additional profiling work to clean up memory leaks in Blazor FlexGrid when data is reloaded multiple times.

WPF GanttView Printing Improvements—The WPF GanttView print preview window in .NET 8+ apps can be resized correctly on all displays now.

WPF GanttView

Total Bug Fixes: 151

Below is a rundown of the bugs that have been fixed. See the release history documentation for full details.

Ready to check it out? Download ComponentOne Today!

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