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Big Announcements for NoVA Code Camp

There is much excitement surrounding the NoVA Code Camp this weekend, and ComponentOne is very happy to be part of it. According to Hal Hayes, there are over 11 MVPs participating, which is a lot of MVPs at one event (and I think he's counting MVP-for-24-days Dave Makogon, too). The speaker lineup is nothing short of all-star, and I'm really bummed I can't be there this weekend.

As has been announced, the Community Megaphone Podcast will be recording a session on Software Craftsmanship this weekend. I think this will be the first episode recorded since we officially announced that we're sponsoring the podcast last week. I recorded a session at CMAP CC with Andrew Duthie where we made the announcement, knowing that everything would be official by the time that one was posted. I hope they include Eric Kepes, who has some great views on the topic.

If that's not enough, I'm happy to announce ComponentOne is sponsoring the Development Track! We're putting a bigger effort to give back to the community, and sponsoring code camps is one way we're doing so. These events are so worthwhile for the attendees and speakers both, and this may be the best part of my job. A few years ago, there was no such thing as a code camp, now we talk about where and when the next one will be. I'll opine another time on how important I feel these events are, so look for the big red ball a lot in the future.

One last thing--I'm in Pittsburgh, home of Billy Mays, and I wear a blue Oxford shirt when I present. You know what that means-BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!

Speaking in the Development Track is one Dane Morgridge. Dane is the co-host of the Community Megaphone Podcast, a new ASP Insider, and (drumroll, please) the first outside member of the newly forming ComponentOne Speaker Bureau. I'll cover the C1SB in more detail later, but our goal is to connect speakers with events that need speakers, be it a regular user group meeting or a code camp. Dane talks a lot, so we're off to a good start. Stay tuned for full details, including how to join or request a speaker. And yes, this means Dane has some special swag to hand out in his talk.

That's a lot of stuff going on in one event. Congrats to Hal Hayes and the rest of the NoVA Code Camp team, best wishes for this weekend.


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