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ASP.NET MVC, .NET reporting and mobile app development

When it comes to .NET reporting for mobile apps, the development process can be sown with confusion. It stems from the ever-changing mobile environment - it can be difficult to design reporting tools and apps for user expectations and practices that do not yet exist in wide adoption. The challenge for app developers is twofold. Apps have to work optimally today, but they also need to be able to work effectively, with minor adjustments, in the future.

Many enterprises are likely contending with the rising tide of device diversity and ingrained user habits, which can set the bar for organization-wide app approval fairly high. There are some strategies that app developers can employ to streamline the .NET reporting tools creation process and respond productively to the challenges of mobile environments. At the same time, app development expert Todd Anglin told CITEworld, data-based mobile apps are taking on a more substantial role in business processes.

"The challenge developers face today is certainly intimidating, particularly when you think that for the last 20 years, developers have been able to more or less get by with a single platform and a single form factor, a Windows PC," Anglin told the source. "Now it's phones, tablets and TVs, and on the horizon cars and all kinds of other things.

Among the other effects of this paradigm shift is the fact that the linear model of app development may no longer apply in some cases, according to CITEworld. A one-size-fits-all approach operates under the assumption that there is "one way to rule them all," if you will - a singular form of app building that allows programs to be built the "right" way. This traditional mode of thinking will likely be shattered by the different demands of mobile devices, browsers and platforms. .NET reporting tools will simply have to be able to contend with hybrid or native environments when they are called for.

Is there an app for that?
The other significant effect of mobile devices and their accompanying "consumerization of IT" philosophy is the realization that there is more than one way to do things. No longer is every company stuck using Excel if it doesn't exactly fit its individual needs. However, this may lead to a scenario in which the shortcomings of the common program are evident but there is no customized solution available, according to Lifehacker Australia. It's important, even in the current environment, to focus on the objective - a fully functional fleet of cross-platform apps and reporting tools - and realizing that there are a variety of paths to achieve it.


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