- 24363: Fix: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Key did not work when editing a formula
- 26499: Fix: The sizing for comments was not working correctly
- 26671: Fix: The Alt+";" shortcut key did not work correctly
- 26732: Fix: A column could not be resized with the width was less that 3px
- 26743: GanttSheet Fix: An error mark would display in the incorrect row header
- 26889: Calculation Fix: A trigger formula did not work when the previous default value was cleared
- 26915: Fix: An error message would show related to an unsupported .xls file format
- 26924: Excel IO Fix: Conditional formatting would change after importing an XLSX file
- 26929: Chart Fix: A chart was the wrong height and in the wrong location after unfiltering the sheet
- 26937: Fix: A selection range was lost after selecting all and then right-clicking the last line
- 26955: Printing Fix: An issue would show in print preview when fit pages wide/tall is set along with page breaks
- 26957: Excel IO Fix: A memo was not imported in certain circumstances
- 26966: Fix: The text color of a footer was not correct
- 26992: Table Fix: An error occurred when redefining the read property of a table
- 26993: Fix: The filter box would incorrectly jump to the filter result item after pressing Enter
- 26996: Fix: Cell value filtering was unresponsive in some circumstances
- 27054: Localization Fix: The tips for quick layout in the Chinese version of the Designer were incorrectly displaying in English
- 27070: Fix: Data validation was lost after a row was deleted
- 27081: ReportSheet Fix: An issue was showing with the dirty cell state in a ReportSheet
- 27082: Designer Fix: A memory leak was happening
- 27131: Fix: An error would occur after clicking a floating object when the data field is dragged to the sheet
- 27151: ReportSheet Fix: Data values in summary cell would incorrectly display in milliseconds
- 27176: ReportSheet Fix: The isFileModified property is incorrectly false after a local image is inserted into a ReportSheet
SpreadJS v17 Hotfixes
The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.
Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums channel.
Issues fixed in 17.1.9 - November 7, 2024
Issues fixed in 17.1.8 - October 24, 2024
- 24718: Calculation Fix: The Image formula rendered incorrectly
- 26089: Chart Fix: The dates on the horizontal axis of a chart are displayed incorrectly
- 26190: Calculation Fix: The result of the AVERAGEIFS function was incorrect in some circumstances
- 26415: Fix: CellTypes were not working correctly in some circumstances
- 26472: Chart Fix: A treemap could not select data sources from other sheets
- 26486: Fix: The date addition operation resulted in an error
- 26624: Fix: The automatic line wrapping for text in a grouped column was not working correctly
- 26639: Calculation Fix: The GETPIVOTDATA function result was different from Excel
- 26641: Fix: The browser would freeze after changing the culture after importing an Excel file
- 26674: Fix: A hidden sheet would incorrectly display with the hyperlink dialog
- 26676: Table Fix: Clicking on the Table Resize Handle would throw an error when the workbook is not focused
- 26678: Excel IO Fix: A shape was displayed incorrectly after exporting to Excel and unhiding an invisible group shape
- 26680: Fix: There was an error with deleting columns after using a custom cell
- 26682: Fix: When both the text and value of a check box were "-", an error would occur when checked
- 26715: Table Fix: After a table is rebound, referenced formulas were not automatically evaluated
- 26724: Export Fix: Exporting a PDF would throw an exception when the workbook was in a hidden iframe
- 26733: ReportSheet Fix: The workbook containing the ReportSheet would throw an error when copying and exporting
- 26741: Shape Fix: The camera shape was unable to correctly copy font colors in the format setting
- 26742: TableSheet Fix: An error would be thrown when Promise.reject is returned to the TableSheet
- 26743: GanttSheet Fix: A GanttSheet would display an error mark in the incorrect row header
- 26744: Calculation Fix: Array formulas would not calculate in certain circumstances
- 26867: ReportSheet Fix: An error would be thrown when a ReportSheet was switched to paging mode after importing a file
- 26873: Fix: QR code generation was invalid
- 26874: Excel IO Fix: A filter would disappear after exporting to Excel
- 26921: Fix: Data validation was lost after importing a JSON file
- 26931: ReportSheet Fix: Hidden columns were incorrectly visible in a ReportSheet
Issues fixed in 17.1.7 - October 10, 2024
- 25622: Fix: The list data verification would cause style problems
- 25985: Fix: A context menu sub item was not displaying correctly
- 26052: PivotTable Fix: The numeric format of a value field was incorrect
- 26082: Fix: An icon could not be correctly set to the right of the text in a rich text cell
- 26086: Chart Fix: A chart was not update when data source formatting changes
- 26093: Fix: The range selector was not working in the SUM formula with the ALT + shortcut
- 26180: Fix: A format string displays as "#N/A" where there is a Chinese comma
- 26257: Excel IO Fix: An error occurred after importing an Excel file
- 26303: Fix: There were some issues that affected a Data Manager implementation
- 26319: Fix: The Ctrl + Arrow Keys behavior was not correct
- 26443: Calculation Fix: Some formula calculation results were inconsistent with Excel
- 26463: Excel IO Fix: Content was not displayed completely after importing an Excel file
- 26467: Excel IO Fix: The default starting page number for each worksheet was incorrectly set to 1 after importing
- 26470: Chart Fix: After saving and loading an SJS file, the text color in a chart area was lost
- 26482: TableSheet Fix: A custom formatting issue was occurring with TableSheet
- 26483: TableSheet Fix: Hyperlinks and filter arrow buttons were not working correctly in a grouped TableSheet column
- 26484: Fix: An empty cell could not be copied when using a Mac
- 26499: Comment Fix: A comment would not display correctly in some circumstances
- 26525: PivotTable Fix: The PivotTable getSource method was not working properly in some circumstances
- 26569: Shape Fix: Using code to modify the height of a shape was invalid
- 26606: Table Fix: After inserting a second table a workbook would freeze
- 26610: Shape Fix: The ShapeHitInfo was missing from the IHitTestInformation interface
- 26613: Excel IO Fix: Importing results were inconsistent across different systems
- 26635: Table Fix: The data binding popup was too far away from the Table binding icon
- 26639: Calculation Fix: The GETPIVOTDATA function result was different from Excel
- 26705: ReportSheet Fix: A formula value change could not be obtained from the getChanges function
Issues fixed in 17.1.6 - September 19, 2024
- 26154: Fix: The position of the field settings popup in the data source panel was incorrect
- 26158: PivotTable Fix: When fillDownLabels was true, the text of the grouping statics label displayed the PivotTable incorrectly
- 26201: Fix: An issue was happening with pinning grouped column areas to the top of a spreadsheet
- 26240: Fix: The position of the text in a floating box was incorrect
- 26250: Fix: There was an issue with setting a slider marker in the sheet
- 26296: Fix: A data type would incorrectly change after exporting to Excel
- 26309: Filter Fix: The order when finding values in a column filter was incorrect
- 26323: Filter Fix: Filter items were incorrectly checked
- 26324: Excel IO Fix: The behavior of a filter was incorrect after exporting to Excel
- 26337: ReportSheet Fix: Icons would disappear in certain circumstances in a ReportSheet
- 26412: Fix: Pixel scrolling would throw an exception
- 26425: ReportSheet Fix: The image of the report was not in the correct position in preview mode
- 26428: Calculation Fix: The SUMIFS formula did not calculate correctly
- 26429: CellType Fix: The time format would incorrectly change in a time CellType
- 26436: Excel IO Fix: There was an issue with an exported Excel file
- 26437: Export Fix: Text would disappear when a PDF was exported
- 26442: Fix: AddFromDataSource was unable to be undone
- 26445: Excel IO Fix: A filter button was missing after exporting to Excel
- 26466: ReportSheet Fix: There was an issue with the position of a ReportSheet picture over merged cells
- 26477: Performance Fix: Pasting after using fromJSON would cause the browser to crash
- 26485: Designer Fix: Adding a data source did not work in some circumstances
Issues fixed in 17.1.5 - September 10, 2024
- 17867: Update: Vue wrapper support has been added to the TypeScript Definition file
- 17868: Update: Vue wrapper support for the Designer has been added to the TypeScript Definition file
- 24210: ExcelIO Fix: An error occurred after loading and exporting an Excel file
- 24237: Demo Fix: Angular demos have been updated to use the standalone component
- 24354: Demo Fix: React demos have been updated to functional component samples
- 25112: Release: V17 Service Pack 1 Japanese Release
- 25254: PivotTable Fix: Calculation fields cause some issue
- 25298: PivotTable Fix: Newly created calculated fields had default value
- 25553: Fix: The masking caret position was incorrect
- 25825: IO Fix: Opening a SJS file was slower than a SSJSON in certain circumstances
- 25910: IO Fix: Opening a template file would cause isFileModified to be true if an IMAGE formula exists
- 25953: Fix: Setting background color for cells was not working properly in certain circumstances
- 25980: Fix: A row couldn't be removed if the removeRow method was used several times
- 26006: Fix: A drop-down list does not appear in the right location for a text box
- 26017: Feature: Filter items can now be checked/unchecked with keyboard shortcuts
- 26019: Performance Fix: A workbook would freeze when attempting to bulk edit font styles
- 26035: Fix: Issues would occur when entering formulas with a Turkish keyboard
- 26070: Fix: Defining column currency caused strange behavior
- 26071: Fix: A TypeError would occur when dragging calculated column fields to group them
- 26072: Fix: The scrollbar would automatically scroll up after released by the mouse
- 26075: Fix: A date format was incorrectly changed when copying and pasting from Excel to SpreadJS
- 26090: Fix: Auto-filling a table would incorrectly add new rows
- 26093: Fix: The range selector would not work in a SUM formula with the Alt+ shortcut
- 26098: Fix: A shape was incorrectly copied when using copyTo span
- 26102: Performance Fix: Using rowFilter to sort would freeze the sheet in some circumstances
- 26140: Calculation Fix: isCircularReference was incorrectly false in the UserFormulaEntered event in some circumstances
- 26151: PivotTable Fix: After exporting a PivotTable to Excel, the date format would incorrectly change
- 26165: PivotTable Fix: PivotTable: The refreshed result of a PivotTable was inconsistent with Excel
- 26166: Fix: A shape could not be dragged when the mouse is hovered over an inserted picture
- 26167: Excel IO Fix: A formula was lost after exporting to Excel
- 26170: PivotTable Fix: There were inconsistencies with importing and exporting PivotTables
- 26171: PivotTable Fix: The showDataAsList field was missing after a PivotTable was serialized
- 26176: Fix: The SheetChanged event was not working properly
- 26192: Fix: Unlocked cells would become locked after pasting
- 26195: Fix: The filter range could not be expanded after using setDataSource
- 26200: ReportSheet Fix: Setting protection options on a ReportSheet would change after importing again
- 26237: ReportSheet Fix: An exception would occur after copying the report
- 26246: Fix: Copying a blank cell from Excel could not be pasted
Issues fixed in 17.1.4 - August 22, 2024
- 24995: Fix: Overflow behavior was different compared to Excel
- 25095: GanttSheet Fix: The defaultDurationUnit did not work correctly in certain circumstances
- 25367: Table Fix: Table styles are lost after using toJSON and fromJSON
- 25571: Table Fix: Table header text turns white after exporting to Excel
- 25619: Filter Feature: Filter times can now be reordered
- 25710: TableSheet Fix: Columns would incorrectly shift in certain circumstances when grouping
- 25757: Fix: SJS files opened slowly in lazy loading mode
- 25774: Designer Fix: PivotTable styles aren't set correctly in certain circumstances
- 25827: Fix: Setting continous page numbers did not work correctly
- 25887: ReportSheet Fix: Images in a ReportSheet were obscured by a border line when exported
- 25902: Calculation Fix: Custom functions would incorrectly trigger twice when CalcOnDemand was enabled
- 25903: Calculation Fix: Certain calculations were not correct
- 25904: Calculation Fix: Incremental calculation did not work correctly
- 25906: Calculation Fix: The TEXT formula did not work correctly
- 25909: ReportSheet Fix: Changed data was incorrect in certain circumstances
- 25915: Fix: Text incorrectly overlapped in certain circumstances
- 25952: Excel IO Fix: The page would crash after exporting certain XLSX files
- 25970: Print Fix: The print preview did not match the preview in the UI
- 25988: Excel IO Fix: Font color is lost after exporting to Excel
- 25989: Calculation Fix: Certain calculations were not correct
- 25998: Calculation Fix: Some calculations did not evaluate correctly
- 26000: PivotTable Fix: The PivotTable incorrectly uses the subtotal rows from a table as a data source
- 26001: Fix: Cell values copied from XLS were missing
- 26011: PivotTable Fix: The context menu options of a PivotTable were incorrect when protected
- 26029: Fix: Insert Copied Cells did not work correctly when executed in the same row as a table
- 26049: Excel IO Fix: Importing a certain Excel file caused the page to freeze
Issues fixed in 17.1.3 - August 8, 2024
- 24352: Fix: A blank space would appear when the tabStripPosition was set to the left
- 25188: ReportSheet Fix: Switching the RenderMode interface will cause stuttering if there are many pictures in the report
- 25356: PivotTable Fix: The placement of the subtotal "Total" text was not correct
- 25370: Designer Fix: The insert function was incorrectly disabled after clicking a cell again after editing it
- 25433: Designer Fix: Setting an invalid formula would incorrectly show a blank message box
- 25519: Calculation Fix: Cross-workbook formula calculation results were inconsistent
- 25533: ExcelIO Fix: An xlsx file exported by SpreadJS would stop when filtering
- 25554: PivotTable Enhancement: The Pivot Panel can now be resized
- 25572: Fix: The scrollbar would incorrectly scroll back to column A after modifying column widths and using fromJSON
- 25575: Fix: The result of row grouping was incorrect
- 25577: TableSheet Fix: The undo list would display incorrectly after executing an undo action in a TableSheet
- 25585: Performance Fix: Large data rendering memory usage continued to increase in certain circumstances
- 25602: Fix: The DragDropBlockCompleted event would incorrectly trigger after cancelling the DragDropBlock operation
- 25619: Filter Enhancement: The filter items in a filter dialog can now be reordered.
- 25647: ReportSheet Fix: Images and sparklines did not work after previewing and using toWorksheet
- 25650: ReportSheet Fix: The status of the sheet protection in the format menu of a ReportSheet was not updated correctly
- 25682: ExcelIO Fix: After importing JSON, the exported PDF would not display correctly
- 25684: Calculation Fix: Incremental calculation did not work correctly with manual CalclationMode
- 25685: Fix: The delete sheet command would throw an exception
- 25694: Calculation Fix: The result of the AVERAGEIF calculation was not correct
- 25697: Fix: A new column was incorrectly added after dragging a column by the header if the row count was 0
- 25711: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting a specific workbook caused a corruption issue
- 25730: ReportSheet Fix: A report cell was set to adaptive, but the image was not displayed in the correct position
- 25731: Fix: Inserting a picture in a repeating line would result in the picture not displaying on a second page
- 25733: Fix: Doc properties didn't properly use the resource for custom properties
- 25736: Designer Fix: The height of tab control in a designer dialog was incorrect
- 25744: ExcelIO Fix: An Excel file could not load properly in SpreadJS in a Node environment
- 25746: ReportSheet Fix: Two error dialogs would show when inserting an invalid formula
- 25750: Fix: Right-clicking in a cell on a specific sheet would throw an exception
- 25759: Calculation Fix: The goalSeek calculation results were consistent with Excel
- 25773: PivotTable Fix: A page would get stuck after modifying the PivotTable's calculated fields and saving
- 25786: Fix: Using getUsedRange after re-reading JSON results were incorrect
- 25787: ReportSheet Fix: An exception would be thrown when editing certain ReportSheet properties
- 25790: Fix: Dragging a column to the first column position was difficult after setting frozenColumnCount
- 25792: Fix: Using a dialog box to modify cell formatting after importing an Excel workbook was invalid
- 25814: Fix: When isPrintLineVisible was false, the preview and PDF export was blank
Issues fixed in 17.1.2 - July 25, 2024
- 25088: Chart Fix: A chart was not updated after adding data
- 25094: PDF Fix: A camera shape would change after exporting to PDF
- 25115: Fix: The regional snapshot behavior was inconsistent
- 25128: Filter Fix: A filter dialog was not fully displaying in specific circumstances
- 25166: Style Fix: An exception was thrown when applying cell styles to a vertical empty cell
- 25198: Font Fix: An exception was thrown when setting a footer font
- 25258: Shape Fix: A connector shape was incorrectly changed after zooming
- 25310: Fix: An extra column was incorrectly added at the end of a sheet when cutting and inserting a column
- 25316: GanttSheet Fix: The finish date did not work correctly
- 25320: Table Fix: An exported style was not saved correctly after setting a table style
- 25321: Font Fix: Text would incorrectly align to the top with specific font families and sizes
- 25357: Designer Fix: An error was thrown when changing the selected range in the Conditional Formatting Rules dialog
- 25360: Fix: A time format result was different from Excel
- 25361: Calculation Fix: The NETWORKDAYS result was different from Excel
- 25364: Fix: Dragging fields does not make the isFileModified property true
- 25366: Importing Fix: The instance would freeze after importing an SSJSON file
- 25432: Designer Fix: A data label couldn't be set to None
- 25435: Fix: A locked cell would cause issues after pasting
- 25436: Conditional Formatting Fix: Conditional formatting would disappear in some circumstances
- 25441: Fix: A comment position was not saved when saving to SJS
- 25487: Fix: The Typescript declaration file had incorrect parameter settings for the Text cell type
- 25489: Designer Fix: External dragging and dropping would affect the field list in the designer
- 25490: Fix: Formula changes were lost in some circumstances
- 25494: Formula Fix: The LOG formula had some issues
- 25496: Fix: Copying and pasting to another sheet will be treated as an external paste if the cell text has multiple new lines
- 25518: Calculation Fix: The result of an array formula was inconsistent
- 25534: ReportSheet Fix: The pagination preview function after importing a report template was invalid
- 25556: Calculation Fix: When incremental calculation was turned on and there was a chart in the page, scrolling would be stuck
- 25569: ReportSheet Fix: Calculation results of formula fields could not be obtained when submitting the report
- 25581: Fix: Tab Strip sizing would be incorrect when using Right-To-Left
Issues fixed in 17.1.1 - June 11, 2024
- 21916: PivotTable Fix: Refreshing a PivotTable would not work after modifying the data source
- 23312: Fix: AutoFill now supports structured reference adjustments
- 24475: Designer Fix: The printing function did not work properly
- 24648: Fix: Some cells with data validation were incorrectly locked
- 24694: PivotTable Fix: The GetPivotData formula result was not correctly displayed after exporting to Excel
- 24714: Calculation Fix: The INDIRECT function behaved differently from Excel
- 24873: Calculation Fix: The iterative calculation functionality worked differently from Excel
- 24998: Fix: Pasting over text would incorrectly add a line break
- 25004: Data Manager Fix: Changing a column name would incorrectly change the caption
- 25009: Calculation Fix: A formula result is different when setting ExcelCompatibleCalcMode to true
- 25066: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting to SJS after merging cells would cause merged cells to disappear in specific circumstances
- 25068: Fix: Copying sheets did not work properly
- 25165: Calculation Fix: An issue was present with circular calculations
- 25195: Table Fix: Formula chain reference behavior was incorrect when deleting columns from a table
- 25204: ReportSheet Fix: Importing some templates would cause unresponsiveness
- 25242: ExcelIO Fix: Custom name formulas were incorrect after exporting to SSJSON
- 25243: Fix: The InvalidOperation event was not triggered after filtering a locked cell
- 25255: Fix: Text incorrectly automatically wrapped when cells were copied from Excel to SpreadJS
- 25256: Fix: The font size of a rich text cell incorrectly changed when the scaling was set for printing
- 25306: ReportSheet Fix: Template pagination was incorrectly set even when some templates did not have pagination
Issues fixed in 17.0.10 - May 31, 2024
- 23448: Excel IO Fix: Hiding the row and column headers after importing would cause lines to appear in a table
- 23568: Excel IO Fix: Importing and exporting files with Sunburst or Treemap charts with text data sources would result in an error
- 23877: Excel IO Fix: Importing files that were loaded incrementally would mean data in an Excel file would sometimes need to be refreshed to display properly
- 24030: Excel IO Fix: An error would occur after importing a specific Excel file
- 24125: Calculation Fix: A #Value error would be displayed after copying and pasting a formula in another cell due to a list separator
- 24130: Fix: The Date Time Picker would not show the correct end date in some circumstances
- 24146: Chart Fix: Scrolling in a chart area on mobile would not work in certain circumstances
- 24152: Chart Fix: Combination chart insertion methods were inconsistent in certain circumstances
- 24174: Excel IO: Importing and then exporting a file to Excel would cause style loss in certain circumstances
- 24203: Calculation Fix: In certain circumstances a calculation would need to be done twice
- 24205: Calculation Fix: A protected sheet would incorrectly have AutoSum disabled
- 24284: Excel Compatibility Fix: A tree diagram in SpreadJS was different from Excel
- 24286: Fix: Cell prefix single quotes would incorrectly be replaced
- 24326: Excel IO Fix: Importing an protected Excel file with a password would result in an exception in certain circumstances
- 24327: Fix: Create a tree diagram would throw errors when right-clicked in certain circumstances
- 24329: Calculation Fix: SUMIFS formula results would display incorrectly
- 24348: ReportSheet Fix: Calculation results were inconsistent
- 24355: Fix: Copying multiple cells in a column would result in extra \r\n characters at the end of the string
- 24415: Fix: A locked attribute was true after filling some cells
- 24451: Fix: A worksheet was frozen when there was an invalid formula in a table column
Issues fixed in 17.0.9 - May 16, 2024
21982: Fix: A conditional format was inconsistent with Excel
23421: Excel IO Fix: Importing a specific Excel file would fail
23801: ReportSheet Fix: The right-click menu for the row and column headers was invalid
23844: Performance Fix: Setting isPrintLineVisible to true caused cell editing operations to lag
23870: Calculation Fix: A formula result after replacing a value was inconsistent
23879: Fix: The SpreadJS instance would freeze after inserting a line and entering data
23895: Table Fix: The column header dropdown of a table would overlap an autofitted column title
23956: ReportSheet Fix: Changing a dropdown value would not submit changes
23957: Fix: A range selector value would be cleared when changing sheets
23958: Fix: There was an issue setting "100%" as a default value
23960: Fix: A column would display incorrectly when using Ref and binding to a data source in a Vue3 project
23962: Fix: There were not unique IDs for two different context menus
23984: Fix: An error occurred when opening a filter dialog if listFilterArea and useTouchLayout were used
23991: Calculation Fix: Calculation results were inconsistent
23995: ReportSheet Fix: Data entry would be enabled even if the settings were empty
23998: Designer Fix: The Designer.sheetSettings command would not correctly fire
24012: Fix: When pixel scrolling was enabled, some offsets would show when showRow and showColumn were used
24013: Fix: The context menu could not be used to shift cells down to allow more overflow space to resolve a SPILL
24014: Fix: Pasting over a dynamic array via right-click would not work
24015: Fix: If a dynamic array formula referred to an array of cells on a different sheet, inserting rows to resolve the SPILL did not work
24019: Calculation Fix: The result of an XMATCH function was incorrect when the find array length was 1
24022: Calculation Fix: The IFERROR function would incorrectly processing null as 0
24038: Excel IO Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a specific Excel file
24042: Fix: A sheet would become blank after a slicer was inserted
24053: Excel IO Fix: An invalid outline would appear after exporting a file from SpreadJS and importing in Excel
24124: PivotTable Fix: A pivot slider panel was blank in certain circumstances
24126: Fix: A sort result was different between Firefox and Chrome
24127: Fix: A clipboardPaste setting with "Paste only format" was invalid
24131: PivotTable Fix: SpreadJS and Excel had different behaviors for Pivot Panels
24138: Fix: The RepeatColumn setting would conflict with FitPageWide
24142: Excel IO Fix: The forecolor of a hyperlink would change after importing
Issues fixed in 17.0.8 - April 18, 2024
- 12046: Chart Fix: Charts were rendered incorrectly
- 15380: Performance Fix: Adding spans on a large number of cells would cause performance issues
- 22073: Calculation Fix: A formula result was incorrect when enabling calcOnDemand
- 23479: Fix: Using the autoFitColumn method caused some number cells to be replaced with the "#" symbol
- 23612: Table Fix: A page would be unresponsive when binding a table
- 23622: Designer Fix: Setting a tooltip for drop down items would not work correctly
- 23627: Excel IO Fix: Setting includeEmptyRegionCells to false would prevent data from showing in an exported Excel file
- 23656: Table Fix: A table would not be created after dragging a table with the same name from the Field List
- 23668: Fix: An issue happened when a item in a dropdown list was marked with a % sign
- 23677: Excel IO Fix: A chart series in a Combo Chart was incorrect after importing an Excel file
- 23711: Calculation Fix: The result of the RANDBETWEEN function was not correct
- 23712: Fix: Pasting to modify a cell value while in the cell editing state would incorrectly not fire the EditChange event
- 23764: Calculation Fix: The result of the NETWORKDAYS function was not correct
- 23768: Fix: The Range Select box would incorrectly be cleared when setting a style
- 23776: Chart Fix: Data from hidden cells would not be displayed
- 23778: ReportSheet Fix: Different results were displayed compared to previous reports
- 23780: Calculation Fix: Turning off iterative calculation would result in different formula results
- 23782: IO Fix: Importing a CSV file would still have a previous file's comments on it
- 23783: Fix: The footer and sheet incorrectly overlapped when setting fitPagesWide
- 23794: Calculation Fix: The IMAGE function would not display correctly
- 23841: Fix: Data would not be set correctly in the sheet
Issues fixed in 17.0.7 - April 10, 2024
- 23689: Calculation Fix: The arrow keys could not be used to reference a cell in a formula
Issues fixed in 17.0.6 - April 3, 2024
- 21231: Calculation Fix: Circular references would get stuck in large files
- 22394: Calculation Fix: The "COUNTA(UNIQUE())" formula behaved differently from Excel
- 23101: Excel IO Fix: The text of a textbox was incorrect after importing an Excel file
- 23215: Angular Fix: The Angular version of the demo samples has been updated
- 23386: Calculation Fix: A drag and drop fill result was incorrect after enabling manual calculation
- 22389: Excel IO Fix: Importing an SJS file would throw an error
- 23438: ReportSheet Fix: Exporting an Excel file with a ReportSheet in it would be slow
- 23467: Excel IO Fix: Some images would be missing after importing an Excel file
- 23570: Calculation Fix: A formula result was changed after upgrading to a newer version
- 23581: Calculation Fix: Some calculation results were inconsistent
- 23592: Fix: An issue was happening with a default value being set in a cell
- 23597: Calculation FIx: A formula result was inconsistent with Excel
- 23599: Table Fix: Some data could not be displayed with table binding
- 23601: PivotTable: The merge label cells options did not take effect in a PivotTable
- 23604: Shape Fix: The Shape field type was incorrect when exported to SSJSON
- 23626: Excel IO Fix: The CSV file export was updated
- 23635: Fix: The button form control click effect would not work after importing a JSON file
- 23636: Table Fix: Column formulas would become misaligned after inserting rows into a table that only had headers
Issues fixed in 17.0.5 - March 26, 2024
- 16446: Fix: The EditEnded event would fire when a cross sheet reference was made
- 19665: Chart Fix: The order of charts in a combo chart would not stay the same when using JSON
- 21711: Accessibility Fix: A VoiceOver screen reader was encountering issues in MacOS 14 and 15
- 22072: Fix: The culture isn't considered when validating a number
- 22126: Fix: The priority was not correct when pasting pictures
- 22382: Fix: Data label font options were not available
- 22535: Chart Fix: Restricting the number of series in a chart was not working correctly
- 22612: Excel IO Fix: Extra rows and columns would incorrectly appear after importing an Excel file
- 22787: Excel Compatibility: Cell spanning after dragging and filling was inconsistent
- 22834: Fix: Data was not showing correctly after collapsing and expanding
- 22847: Fix: Data validation would not display correctly
- 22851: Chart Fix: Horizontal axis units were inconsistent
- 22858: TableSheet Fix: TableSheet was incorrectly displayed in a panel when inserting a GanttSheet
- 22862: ReportSheet Fix: Support renaming bound columns of a data source
- 22863: ReportSheet Fix: Data entry settings could not filter out columns
- 22865: ReportSheet Fix: The "Show Collapse" button did not work correctly in certain circumstances
- 22868: Fix: Inputting "-$100" would have different results in certain circumstances
- 22896: Calculation Fix: The ISREF and INDIRECT functions would have different formula results
- 22969: Fix: Deleting rows would cause a loss of data validation in some circumstances
- 22975: PivotTable Fix: Modifying the cells of a PivotTable after setting borders would make the borders disappear
- 22983: Fix: After closing the Find dialog after using a shortcut, it couldn't be opened with the shortcut again
- 23011: Performance Fix: Clearing formula values would cause some performance issues
- 23026: Calculation Fix: A specific formula was incorrect
- 23037: ReportSheet Fix: An exception was thrown if the DirtyStyle was null
- 23038: Excel Compatibility: Hyperlink cells were inconsistent with Excel
- 23042: Fix: Some borders didn't display correctly in the column header
- 23045: Fix: The sorting status was lost after sorting by cell color and opening the sorting dialog
- 23050: Excel IO Fix: An exported SJS file was prompted to be repaired in Excel
- 23051: Excel IO Fix: An invalid format error would occur when opening a specific SJS file
- 23060: Table Fix: Deleting a filtered row in a table would cause unexpected behavior
- 23066: Excel IO Fix: Exporting a PDF would remove information from a slicer
- 23071: Fix: The isUndo property output of a custom command in the RowChanged event was incorrect
- 23073: Fix: Setting the style of a font would be invalid in some iOS environments
- 23099: Print Fix: A sheet was missing in a printing preview
- 23100: Touch Fix: Setting the mask on a cell did work with touch devices
- 23103: Fix: A shared formula with a free header area was displaying incorrectly
- 23124: ReportSheet Fix: Formula results were incorrect when adding a record in a ReportSheet
- 23126: Excel Compatibility: The "Ctrl + A" shortcut behaved different than Excel
- 23127: Calculation Fix: The formula editor would show as undefined for the listSeparator when the culture was changed
- 23128: Fix: A slicer was not updated properly when the data source of a sheet was changed
- 23135: Excel IO Fix: An exported Excel file would crash when sorting in MS 2016
- 23146: Excel IO Fix: A cell position would be incorrect after moving with the keyboard after exporting to Excel
- 23149: Excel IO Fix: "GetSpans" would return incorrect results
- 23171: Fix: When dragging and dropping a data source onto a template, the error message was not consistent
- 23176: Demo Fix: The FormatDialog sample displayed an error
- 23213: Calculation Fix: A custom function would not show in a sheet
- 23218: Fix: A custom name would overflow text in an auto complete container element
- 23219: TableSheet Fix: The data would change when a row was deleted from a sorted column
- 23220: Fix: The dataManager would not notify after loading was completed
- 23221: TableSheet Fix: There was a delay with clicking and cell selection in the Free Header Area
- 23222: Designer Resource Fix: Some resources were confusing in certain cultures
- 23224: Table Fix: The TableColumnsChanged event was not triggered after adding a column to a data source
- 23229: Fix: Clicking on a cell would cause the whole sheet to be incorrectly repainted
- 23280: Excel IO Fix: A pivot slicer was lost after exporting to Excel
- 23296: ReportSheet Fix: The report wizard would throw an error when adding a report
- 23313: Excel IO Fix: Conditional formatting would not take effect after exporting to Excel
- 23322: Fix: Deleting records would incorrect influence Circle Invalid Data
- 23384: Excel IO Fix: A slicer's content was incorrectly changed after exporting to Excel
- 23385: Excel IO Fix: The style of subtotals in a PivotTable would change after exporting to Excel
- 23387: Excel IO Fix: A slicer's display content was changed after exporting to Excel
- 23390: Fix: The defaultDatePattern property was not public
- 23394: TableSheet Fix: The behavior of TableSheet in Design Mode was not correct
- 23401: Fix: Selection ranges were incorrect in some circumstances
- 23402: Fix: After setting pasteSkipInvisibleRange to true, pasting did not work as expected
- 23403: Documentation Fix: The openPasteSpecialDialog command API was changed
- 23426: Fix: Data could not be recovered after a slicer filter was cleared
- 23427: Table Fix: Copying and pasting could incorrectly lead to the expansion of columns in a table in certain circumstances
Issues fixed in 17.0.4 - Feb 27, 2024
- 17838: GanttSheet Fix: GanntSheet tabs did not have a context menu
- 21649: Framework Support: Next.js 14 is now supported
- 21695: Framework Support: Angular 17 is now supported
- 21897: Filter Fix: The filter function worked differently from Excel
- 22083: Mobile Fix: The Sheet bar couldn't be dragged properly
- 22085: ExcelIO FIx: Exporting a SJS file to Excel throws an error
- 22321: Fix: The distribute option didn't work properly using JA-JP culture
- 22336: Fix: Items could not be selected in an editable comboBox cell
- 22393: Calculation Fix: The VALUE formula did not work correctly in some circumstances
- 22409: Chart Fix: The language of an imported chart series could not be changed correctly
- 22548: Calculation Fix: The GetPivotData formula did not display correctly after exporting to Excel
- 22575: ExcelIO Fix: Exporting PivotTables when counting multiple column value caused a formatting error
- 22579: Fix: Copying content from an external source into SpreadJS removed line breaks
- 22589: ExcelIO Fix: Certain Excel files could not be imported in SpreadJS in some circumstances
- 22591: Data Binding Fix: Some data binding would cause data validation information to shift downard
- 22598: ReportSheet Fix: Request failures were not handled correctly when submitting a report
- 22610: PivotTable Fix: A white screen would show when a PivotTable was refreshed
- 22617: Mac Fix: Using Chinese input on a Mac would cause the first character to be ignored
- 22624: Printing Fix: The actual number of printed pages did not match the number of pages in the paging preview
- 22625: Import Fix: A cell format would change when importing a JSON file and saving as SJS
- 22631: Fix: Setting a cell status on a range of cells would prevent them from being deleted successfully
- 22638: UI Fix: The label for creating a new workbook had a typo
- 22685: Translation Fix: Some Designer resources were not translated properly
- 22689: Fix: Inserting a new row would cause the row's conditional formatting to be lost
- 22716: PivotTable Fix: Using a custom PivotTable style would prevent the text from being bold
- 22717: Table Fix: Setting a table column with a FormulaListValidator in the Designer would fail
- 22729: Sample Fix: The AngularJSSample would freeze when resizing columns
- 22732: Fix: The column header did not show correctly in some circumstances
- 22737: Calculation Fix: A specific formula calculation result was different from Excel
- 22751: Table Fix: Deleting rows from one table would result in formulas being removed in another table
- 22780: PivotTable Fix: The PivotTable would become blank when rows were removed fro mthe row field
- 22794: Fix: Dragging the hiehg of the first row to 0px could only be seen after scrolling up
- 22844: Documentation Fix: A specific API was not marked as deprecated
- 22887: ReportSheet Fix: Context menu cellTypes would not work after setting the cellType or CellButton
Issues fixed in 17.0.3 - Feb 2, 2024
17704: Chart Fix: The order of a combo chart series was inconsistent with Excel
21991: Language Release: Korean Language release for v17
22070: Chart Fix: Updating a table used by a chart would throw an error
22124: Fix: A hyperlink's tooltip would not correctly display in certain circumstances
22286: Name Fix: The name manager would incorrectly show custom names after a sheet was deleted
22321: Fix: The distribute option didn't work properly with the ja-jp culture set
22327: Performance Fix: Clicking on a slicer would cause the page to freeze or crash in some circumstances
22340: Fix: Hiding a row would incorrectly change the border style of specific rows
22356: Excel IO Fix: After importing and exporting XLSX files, column width would gradually become narrower
22400: Fix: Protecting a worksheet would work differently in runtime versus the Designer
22431: Printing Fix: Slicers and shapes would not scale correctly when printing
22432: PivotTable Fix: Deleting a PivotTable slicer would cause a white box to appear on the page
22544: Licensing Fix: GanttSheet license strings were not working correctly in the JP version
22547: Calculation Fix: Setting the ExcelCompatibleCalcMode to true resulted in some inconsistencies
22549: Fix: Frozen rows would obsure unfrozen rows
22576: Scrolling Fix: A ghosting issue would occur in specific circumstances
22580: Calculation Fix: The SUBSTITUte function did not calculate correctly
22590: Table Fix: A table format could not be set correctly
Issues fixed in 17.0.2 - Jan 18, 2024
- 18195: Chart Fix: Chart content did not change with data
- 19522: Fix: A timeline is not displayed after importing
- 20127: Chart Fix: A chart series did not display correctly
- 20708: Chart Fix: A chart did not refresh with data changes in a table
- 21710: Chart Fix: The position of a chart legend would change after exporting
- 21733: Fix: A radio button could not be selected
- 21901: Chart Fix: The curve chart auto functionality did not work correctly
- 21931: Export Fix: An exported file did not display correctly
- 21948: Export Fix: An exported file could not be loaded in GcExcel
- 21969: Fix: Setting styles on a large range would incorrectly create a large undo stack
- 21990: Language Release: V17 CN Language Release
- 22122: Chart Fix: Setting the data source for a table does not refresh the chart
- 22155: ReportSheet Fix: Adding a record in a new cell without submitting would make the report layout incorrect
- 22157: Designer Fix: The calculation options button icon did not display correctly
- 22240: Export Fix: An error was thrown when exporting to XLSX
- 22253: Fix: The dropdown menu month selector incorrectly sorted the years in reverse order
- 22267: Export Fix: Certain exported XLSX files could not be opened by Excel or GcExcel
- 22268: Import Fix: The active sheet was switched twice after loading a specific file
- 22281: Designer Fix: The total row did not work correctly
- 22353: GanttSheet Fix: The demo had an uncaught error
- 22355: Designer Fix: The configuration settings of multiple designers on the same page overwrote each other
- 22377: Fix: The type definition of the IFilteredArgs interface for the "columns" property was incorrect
- 22389: Exporting Fix: There was an issue with exporting using the SpreadJS IO functionality
Issues fixed in 17.0.1 - Jan 4, 2024
- 2154: Calculation Fix: A formula was automatically changed incorrectly
- 12910: Chart Fix: A chart would not display correctly after importing
- 15436: Designer Fix: Creating a chart was slow in some circumstances
- 16591: Calculation Fix: A formula was not updated with the RemoveRow RowAction
- 18662: PivotTable Fix: Setting a style was slow in some circumstances
- 18748: Calculation Fix: Certain formulas had incorrect results
- 20299: Excel IO Fix: Some cell values would not display correctly after exporting to Excel
- 20581: Excel IO Fix: Some Excel files were displayed incorrectly after importing
- 20710: Calculation Fix: Some formulas would not calculate correctly after using resumeCalcService
- 20724: Calculation Fix: The lambda formula would not calculate correctly
- 21375: Chart Fix: A data area would not expand automatically
- 21652: Chart Fix: Series would display incorrectly after a chart is inserted
- 21654: Chart Fix: Switching the data axis would fail if the coordinate axis was not a date type
- 21813: Printing Fix: The cutting action would incorrectly change the printing area
- 21814: Fix: Filter items would not show in a dialogue
- 21817: Fix: Undoing a filter will incorrectly cause content to be hidden
- 21869: Designer Fix: Data validation was inconsistent
- 21879: Fix: AutoFitRow would not work correctly
- 21882: Fix: The status bar had some errors with sum
- 21887: Fix: Inserting cut cells caused the page to crash with a large number of rows and columns
- 21900: Excel IO Fix: Some chart content was missing after importing an Excel file
- 21902: Fix: Copying and inserting rows caused some errors
- 21904: Chart Fix: The value axis setting of a radar chart was invalid
- 21917: Fix: Inserting a sparkline was inconsistent with Excel
- 21926: Calculation Fix: Deleting a row that contained bound data would prevent a referenced formula from being recalculated
- 21928: Excel IO Fix: A #VALUE! error was thrown after loading a SSJSON file in the Designer with the it-IT culture
- 21929: Excel IO Fix: Filter options were lost after exporting and then importing
- 21932: Mobile Fix: A sheet would be blank after creating a lot of sheets in iOS.
- 21934: Font Enhancement: The Windgdings 2 font was added to fontFamilies
- 21940: Fix: The option button controls were not shown correctly
- 21950: Excel IO Fix: An XLSX file could not be loaded
- 21951: Calculation Fix: The COUNTIF formula did not calculate correctly
- 21962: Fix: Setting a row height would take different times in the runtime and the Designer
- 21981: Fix: Sorting results were inconstent with Excel
- 21987: Table Fix: Tables in a Data Source Sheet would not update correctly if added by code
- 22016: Calculation Fix: There was a delay in calculating specific formulas
- 22067: Excel IO Fix: Cell references were changed incorrectly after importing/exporting a SSJSON file
- 22086: Fix: The icon set for conditional formatting was displayed incorrectly
- 22087: Fix: Opening up a data validation drop-down did not automatically scroll to the selected item
- 22091: Excel IO Fix: Gridline colors were not exported properly
- 22092: Table Fix: Table Column Data Formulas did not work properly
- 22096: TableSheet Fix: A certain format would not apply correctly
- 22102: Fix: Sorting a single cell would show an incorrect error message
- 22106: Fix: The state of an Option Button was incorrect
- 22125: Excel IO Fix: A file would not import correctly.