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SpreadJS v13 Hotfixes

The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.

Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums.

  • 2850: Fix: Line length of borders was inconsistent after importing an Excel file
  • 3024: Enhancement: Clipboard data can now be cleared when starting cell edit or using the Esc key
  • 3604: Fix: Negative numbers with spaces would not parse correctly when pasted into SpreadJS
  • 3696: Fix: Shapes were not restored from JSON correctly when imported
  • 4402: Fix: The outline row symbol would be hidden when exporting to Excel.
  • 4430: Fix: Scrolling and editing was slow after importing an SSJSON.
  • 4484: Fix: SetCollapsed() would not work with the index from
  • 4740: Fix: ChartArea would expand when a trendline was added to a chart with multiple value axes.
  • 4939: Fix: TextBox size was incorrect
  • 5018: Fix: Importing a specific Excel file would take over 30 seconds to finish
  • 5029: Fix: Text hAlign for shapes was not exported to JSON
  • 5205: Fix: Shape connector arrow direction was different from Excel
  • 5220: Fix: Performance issue with selecting/deselecting checkbox cell types for style-heavy sheets
  • 5241: Fix: MOD formula would not return “#DIV/0!” when an empty cell was the divisor
  • 5244: Fix: Designer toolbar would break if the screen width was less than 520px
  • 5394: Fix: Hidden rows would display
  • 5434: Fix: An error would happen when switching sheets
  • 5550: Fix: Changes to unlocked cells were not captured
  • 5573: Fix: RichText would not stay with multiline text when the cell entered edit mode
  • 5617: Fix: “Check All” in the filter dialog would not work after checking one option in the filter
  • 5632: Fix: Setting CALC_PRECISION would still result in a lack of precision
  • 5637: Fix: Copying a row and inserting and duplicate row would cause the data in both rows to go missing
  • 5692: Fix: Text layout option was incorrect in the SpreadJS Designer
  • 5712: Fix: IRR formula calculation result was inconsistent with Excel

  • 4740: Fix: A chart would expand when a trendline was added with a multiple-value axis
  • 4743: Fix: Category axis labels would change position when chart elements were added
  • 5169: Fix: An Excel file was missing styles when imported
  • 5255: Fix: An Excel file would not import into SpreadJS
  • 5277: Fix: The setBindingPath function would not accept JSON keys with the ‘.’ Character
  • 5346: Fix: Column width and cell style were lost after importing an Excel file
  • 5369: Fix: An Excel file would not import with charts with non-contiguous ranges for the Category Axis
  • 5370: Fix: COUNTIF and INDEX formulas had the wrong result when used together
  • 5426: Fix: An Excel file saved by Spread .NET 6 could not load in SpreadJS
  • 5437: Fix: Formulas wouldn’t evaluate when importing a specific Excel file
  • 5447: Fix: The function would throw an error in the Angular production mode when called in the onInit function
  • 5464: Fix: Exporting an Excel file from SpreadJS would result in “x0009” added to the file name

  • 4315: Fix: PDF couldn’t export after importing SSJSON file
  • 4318: Fix: DataBars would not update with automatic min/max values with cross-sheet references
  • 4461: Fix: SJS Web Designer showed old icons for Menu bar
  • 4908: Fix: Table size changes did not propagate formulas and some formatting
  • 4910: Fix: Context menu was partially hidden with certain screen resolutions
  • 4986: Fix: SJS Web Designer format shape sidebar would not display
  • 5001: Fix: Formula results in a table were incorrect after a row was deleted
  • 5002: Fix: Hyperlinks were not created if they were copied from Excel or a browser address bar
  • 5005: Fix: Merging workbooks after exporting to excel would throw an error
  • 5013: Fix: Exporting to Excel and opening the file would throw an error with a specific file
  • 5014: Fix: Drop-down data validation close to the bottom of a Spread instance would stretch the page down instead of displaying upward
  • 5029: Fix: Text hAlign in a shape was not serialized to JSON
  • 5030: Fix: CSV export did not work in the SJS Web Designer
  • 5038: Fix: Couldn’t add custom names with Chinese characters and brackets in the SJS Web Desinger
  • 5039: Fix: The left border of the workbook was thinner than the right when printing
  • 5044: Fix: Importing a specific SSJSON file and printing would throw an error
  • 5054: Fix: The decrease decimal button was not working in the SJS Web Designer
  • 5063: Fix: Table formulas would break if the data source is changed multiple times
  • 5133: Fix: Charts from other sheets would continue to display when switching sheets
  • 5148: Fix: Couldn’t undo setting Rich Text in the SJS Web Designer
  • 5155: Fix: Status bar information included hidden rows
  • 5164: Fix: Updating a shape’s cutType would change to a string when set in the SJS Web Designer
  • 5165: Fix: The rich text dialog in the SJS Web Designer would not show the cell style when opened for the first time
  • 5170: Fix: The context menu would not display completely in the SJS Web Designer
  • 5171: Fix: Could not scroll after expanding a column group
  • 5196: Documentation: Introduction missing for createTimeValidator API
  • 5205: Fix: Shape connector arrows displayed different in SpreadJS than Excel
  • 5208: Fix: POWER(0, -1) would not return a “#DIV/0!” error
  • 5221: Fix: A shape’s color would change after exporting to PDF
  • 5222: Fix: The SJS Web Designer would not open in Internet Explorer
  • 5226: Fix: A formula would thrown an #REF error when importing into SpreadJS
  • 5227: Fix: An image would show twice after printing an imported Excel file
  • 5233: Fix: Data validation would not work for rows that were added at the 0 index in a table
  • 5234: Fix: A formula result was incorrect
  • 5239: Fix: An Excel file failed to import into SpreadJS
  • 5247: Fix: Adding a shape with the “MS Mincho” font family would cause a broken Excel file when exporting
  • 5253: Fix: A connector shape disappears when importing SSJSON.
  • 5282: Fix: Editing text would cover column headers and the page would crash with a specific screen size.

  • 2883: Enhancement: Warning now shows when copying cells in a non-contiguous cell range
  • 3035: Fix: Formatting date cells now accepts the same data format beyond the first cell.
  • 3108: Fix: Chart correctly updates when values are updated via COUNTIF in a named range.
  • 3266: Fix: Data labels in charts are no longer missing after importing.
  • 3331: Fix: Zoomed pictures can now be exported to Excel correctly.
  • 4052: Fix: Excel file doesn’t show errors anymore after exporting from SpreadJS.
  • 4176: Fix: Browser no longer crashes when importing a specific SSJSON file.
  • 4212: Fix: Formulas are now correctly adjusted when columnHeadersAsFrozenRows is true.
  • 4310: Fix: Page no longer hangs when importing a specific Excel file and renaming the sheet.
  • 4336: Fix: List of deleted items is no longer missing from the tableDeletRows property in the TableRowsChanged event after undoing.
  • 4351: Fix: Content is now consistent when importing a specific SSJSON file and exporting to Excel.
  • 4386: Fix: Formula no longer returns the wrong value if the first cell in the referenced range is cleared using the delete key.
  • 4461: Enhancement: SpreadJS Web Designer now shows updated icons for the menu bar.
  • 4474: Fix: Filter range is now updated properly when inserting a copied column.
  • 4557: Fix: Tooltips no longer display incorrectly when hovering over cells that contain long lines of text.
  • 4566: Fix: Horizontal axis labels now show properly when imported from Excel.
  • 4621: Fix: Deleting a column with a filter in the column header no long causes an export to Excel error.
  • 4640: Fix: HyperLink CellType auto fit height now factors in cell padding.
  • 4678: Fix: Chart content displays completely when importing a specific Excel file.
  • 4702: Fix: Chart now renders correctly after importing a specific Excel file.
  • 4708: Fix: The mouse click area for hyperlinks now matches the actual zoomed display content for the hyperlink.
  • 4710: Fix: Additional line break is no longer added in Firefox when inputting more than one word in a cell editor.
  • 4745: Fix: Text boxes are now imported correctly from Excel.
  • 4746: Fix: Header rows are no longer considered when updating relative references in formulas set using setColumnDataFormula in tables.
  • 4765: Fix: Formula text box now correctly synchronizes information with cells.
  • 4767: Fix: Table is longer missing after importing a specific Excel file.
  • 4813: Fix: Custom formatting “mmm yyyy” no longer results in different dates when values are entered differently.
  • 4814: Fix: Percentage formatter cells no longer show incorrect behavior when formulas are disabled
  • 4815: Fix: HYPERLINK functions now import correctly from Excel.
  • 4828: Fix: Line break now works properly when words are still being composed in Korean.
  • 4854: Fix: Browser no longer crashes when exporting a specific form.
  • 4861: Fix: SWITCH formula calculation result now matches Excel.
  • 4889: Enhancement: Watermarks can now fill the entire print area width.
  • 4891: Fix: Frozen columns with the ellipsis tool tip now display.
  • 4894: Fix: Unexpected data validation no longer applies after using setDataSource and table.resize.
  • 4895: Fix: Priorities for hyperlink styles are now updated.
  • 4897: Fix: SpreadJS Designer editor now displays correctly on high DPI screens.

  • 3078: Fix: Conditional formatting style couldn’t be changed
  • 4204: Fix: Sheet is deselected when cancelling sheet hiding in the SheetChanging event
  • 4403: Fix: The StatusBar.dispose() and formulaTextBox.destroy() methods wouldn’t properly restore the host element
  • 4507: Fix: Conditional formatting didn’t work after exporting to Excel
  • 4539: Fix: Cell wouldn’t be correctly formatted as text
  • 4558: Fix: Exporting a specific Excel file throws an error
  • 4561: Fix: Calling clearSelection after setting sheet protection caused the page to hang
  • 4563: Fix: Editing cells would trigger unexpected commands
  • 4565: Fix: iPad behavior was different from PC when double-clicking with CtrlPressed enabled
  • 4567: Fix: “*” caused calculation problems in Google Chrome
  • 4576: Fix: The CHITEST function calculated incorrectly
  • 4577: Fix: The location of hyperlinks were incorrect when there were multiple sheets in a workbook
  • 4586: Fix: Formula references were wrong when there are special characters in the sheet name

  • 4300: Fix: Sub groups wouldn’t collapse when direction was reversed
  • 4393: Fix: IRR formula didn’t calculate correctly
  • 4435: Fix: Data display exception occurred after setting a data source
  • 4442: Fix: Browser crashed when adding a sunburst or pie chart
  • 4459: Fix: IRR formula result was different from Excel
  • 4462: Fix: Browser would hang when exporting to PDF
  • 4489: Fix: Result of getViewportRightColumn was incorrect
  • 4494: Fix: MOD formula doesn’t work correctly with date-time formatted values
  • 4500: Fix: Input Text is incorrectly set to a different cell
  • 4509: Fix: Custom celltypes would not support hyperlinks
  • 4510: Fix: ShowRow did not work correctly
  • 4512: Fix: Custom icon API was added back to icon-set rule

  • 3500: Fix: “deletedItem” property in event didn’t show when deleting a row
  • 4221: Fix: The formulaTextBox.refresh() method put the selected cell in edit mode
  • 4294: Fix: The active sheet did not update automatically if a formula referred to another sheet
  • 4300: Fix: Sub groups in row outline could not be collapsed when the direction was set as backwards
  • 4304: Fix: Text incorrectly overflows to adjacent cells that have buttons, checkboxes, or other celltypes
  • 4317: Fix: Setting protection options makes the browser hang
  • 4320: Fix: Browser page hangs when importing a specific SSJSON file
  • 4348: Fix: Invalid column ID caused exporting/importing Excel issues
  • 4353: Fix: Borders are lost when exporting a specific Excel file
  • 4355: Fix: Cell values changed after importing a specific Excel file
  • 4356: Fix: SpreadJS view scrolls slightly when going into edit mode on a cell
  • 4357: Fix: Performance: Browser page slows down when filtering
  • 4359: Fix: clearSheet and destroy methods don’t work after a drag fill
  • 4384: Fix: Deleting the first row or column of a merged cell caused the merge to disappear
  • 4389: Fix: Hovering over a cell with an ellipsis sometimes did not show a tooltip
  • 4394: Fix: The tooltip of an ellipsis cell would sometimes not disappear when the mouse was moved away
  • 4405: Fix: Designer: Autosum feature didn’t work correctly
  • 4407: Fix: Couldn’t export after importing a specific Excel file
  • 4408: Fix: Hyperlink wasn’t imported correctly from Excel
  • 4429: Fix: Shapes were not displayed if multiple sheets were added and the active sheet was deleted during workbook initialization
  • 4437: Fix: Performance: Hiding rows made the sheet slow
  • 4440: Fix: Demo: Translation error in the tutorial sample

  • 2927: Fix: Hidden rows were deleted when a column was filtered
  • 3281: Fix: Issue with combining stacked column and clustered column charts
  • 3694: Fix: Chart range won’t update after drag moving
  • 3695: Fix: Chart draws incorrectly after drag moving and then redoing
  • 3738: Fix: Cross sheet formulas didn’t update after cut/paste
  • 3810: Fix: Chart layout and referenced data ranges didn’t update correctly when drag moving
  • 3813: Fix: Error thrown when undoing a cut/paste of a bar chart data range
  • 3973: Fix: Information missing from charts when Excel file is imported
  • 4016: Fix: Chart displays incorrectly when importing
  • 4140: Fix: Status Bar doesn’t work when selected cell range contains a subtotal formula
  • 4146: Fix: Formula did not calculate correctly when calculate on demand is set to false
  • 4156: Fix: Types info for isUndo property on the ICellChangedEventArgs interface was missing
  • 4183: Fix: Performance issue with importing an Excel file
  • 4188: Fix: Formula array preventing sorting in a row
  • 4206: Fix: toJSON function causing printInfo rowEnd to change
  • 4209: Fix: Extra space added at the top of vertical text cells if wrap text is enabled
  • 4217: Fix: Hyperlink is not properly imported from/exported to Excel
  • 4220: Fix: Outline column didn’t fire the RangeGroupStateChanged event
  • 4227: Fix: DateOccuringType.nextQuarter/thisQuarter rules didn’t work correctly
  • 4252: Fix: Incorrect time format when exporting to Excel/JSON in Seoul time zone
  • 4271: Fix: Chart rendering unneeded data points on the horizontal axis
  • 4282: Fix: Paging exception thrown with print preview
  • 4285: Fix: IRR function result was incorrect
  • 4299: Fix: Column was duplicated in a Vue project when using “v-for”
  • 4300: Fix: Sub groups couldn’t be collapsed when the direction is set to backward
  • 4301: Fix: Excel file SUMIF calculation was incorrect

  • 2330: Fix: Error with cell references to other sheets
  • 3238: Fix: Increased memory consumption with opening/closing dialogs
  • 3343: Fix: Increased memory consumption with creating and destroying spread instances
  • 3500: Fix: deletedItem property missing from TableRowsChanged event when deleting a table row
  • 3580: Fix: MIN formula showing different results between Spread and Excel
  • 3602: Fix: Data not being cleared when using sheet.fromJSON
  • 3607: Fix: CommaStyle format in Designer is different from Excel
  • 3614: Fix: HyperLink CellType has incorrect hit position when the cell has padding
  • 3624: Fix: Error is thrown when there is a number value it a table total row and it is exported to Excel
  • 3627: Fix: Hidden frozen rows are visible when the generated JSON is opened in Spread
  • 3628: Fix: COUNTIF result is different between Spread and Excel if there is “\r\n” in any of the values
  • 3636: Fix: Undo causes cell validation to move to different cells
  • 3642: Fix: Fill backColor to “no color” does not work in Designer
  • 3679: Fix: Certain user interactions for setting a filter cause the filter dialog to be blank
  • 3742: Fix: Date formatted text does not get converted to Date values
  • 3746: Fix: SUMIFS result different between Spread and Excel

  • 2598: Fix: Context menu styles not applied correctly
  • 3025: Fix: Incorrect formula import from SSJSON
  • 3308: Fix: Cell Format dialog not popping up in online designer
  • 3382: Fix: Large password-protected Excel export
  • 3428: Fix: Footer dropdown list not showing with useFooterDropDownList
  • 3502: Fix: Data Validator allowed navigation away from invalid cells
  • 3542: Fix: SUMPRODUCT function calculation result

  • 1884: Fixed column widths after importing
  • 2224: Changing protection options no longer clears undo stack
  • 2587: Tables can be created by selecting range in designer
  • 2763: Cross-sheet formulas are now restored correctly when undoing
  • 2855: Excel export no longer has display inconsistencies
  • 2970: Blank page no longer added when printing in landscape
  • 3035: Date formatted cells editing fixed
  • 3052: Fixed issue with NumberFormat.percentGroupSeparator in custom cultures
  • 3053: Fixed issue with DateTimeFormat.dateSeparator in custom cultures
  • 3086: Shape text FontSize correctly exports to Excel
  • 3088: Text displays correctly in text box after importing Excel files
  • 3089: Shapes preserved after importing Excel file
  • 3116: Opening context menu with partial table selection no longer throws an error
  • 3148: Cell type display no longer has inconsistencies when importing Excel files
  • 3150: Content no longer lost when importing Excel files in Vue
  • 3152: Shape no longer missing when importing an Excel file
  • 3188: TableRowsChanged event fixed
  • 3195: Excel export fixed
  • 3200: IRR() formula returns correct result like Excel
  • 3214: Row correctly added in table
  • 3216: SUMIFS() formula calculates correctly
  • 3226: Suspend dirty works correctly in RangeSorted event
  • 2341: Error no longer thrown when importing SJS json file with specific active cells
  • 3250: ScrollbarMaxAlign and ScrollByPixel correctly work together with vertical scrollbars
  • 3255: Exporting spreadsheets no longer changes data formatting of specific cells
  • 3265: Tables can no longer be manipulated when the sheet is protected
  • 3268: Types info no longer missing for fonts in IWorkBookDefaultOptions
  • 3273: Items now show correctly on the toolbar in the designer when hovered over
  • 3277: Date formatter for text cell shows correct value
  • 3278: Table.getDirtyRows() returns correct items if data source is null
  • 3279: Evaluating custom async function displays correctly
  • 3316: Conditional formatting exports to PDF correctly
  • 3322: Column split resize fixed on Mac computers
  • 3324: Corrected list data validation behavior to match Excel
  • 3325: UserZooming event fires correctly if zoom is performed with status bar
  • 3336: Special XML characters display correctly if doNotRecalculateAfterLoad flag is used
  • 3383: Deleting rows no longer causes validation error
  • 3404: Format dialog can now be opened after setting the cell to General format

  • 1764: Shapes no longer move when zooming in the sheet
  • 1842: A recover warning is no longer thrown for a specific exported Excel file
  • 2576: Shape position no longer changes when importing an Excel file
  • 2648: Changing a table data source now shows correct formula results
  • 2654: Pixel scrolling works correctly with the scroll bar
  • 2688: Changing the binding source no longer clears cell values adjacent to the table
  • 2785: Loading an Excel file no longer causes problems
  • 2874: Cutting and pasting does not cause a formula reference area error
  • 2948: Cell editor is now working correctly with touch devices
  • 2971: Chart style in SJS for specific charts is now the same as Excel
  • 2975: Shape position for connector shapes in specific situations works correctly
  • 2987: An error is no longer thrown when importing a specific Excel file using React
  • 3010: SJS Designer can now remove data validation completely when clearing
  • 3012: SJS External Theme demo does not throw an error when switching themes