| Name | Description |
| activate | Makes the current sheet the active sheet. This is equivalent to clicking the sheet's tab. |
| autoMerge | Overloaded. Applies auto merge for a range. The auto merge direction is Column. The auto merge mode is Free. The auto merge selection mode is Source. |
| copy | Overloaded. Copies the sheet to the end of the current workbook. |
| copyAfter | Copies the sheet to the location after the specified sheet. |
| copyBefore | Copies the sheet to the location before the specified sheet. |
| delete | Deletes the object. |
| evaluate | Overloaded. Converts a Microsoft Excel name to an object or a value. |
| freezePanes | Freezes panes at the specified position. |
| freezeTrailingPanes | Freezes trailing panes at the specified position. |
| fromJson | Overloaded. Generates a worksheet from the json string. |
| getActivatedEvent | Occurs when the worksheet is activated. |
| getActiveCell | Gets the active cell. |
| getActivePane | Returns the IPane object that represents the active pane of the worksheet. |
| getAutoFilter | Returns an IAutoFilter object if filtering is on. Returns nothing iffiltering is off. |
| getAutoFilterMode | Gets whether the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the sheet. |
| getAutoGenerateColumns | Gets whether to generate columns automatically while binding data. |
| getAutoMergeRangesInfo | Gets a list of IAutoMergeRangeInfo objects that represent all auto merge range information of the current worksheet. |
| getBackgroundPicture | Gets the background graphic for this worksheet. |
| getBackgroundPictures | Returns a com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing.IBackgroundPictures object that represents all the backgound pictures on theworksheet or chart sheet. |
| getBeforeDeleteEvent | Occurs before the worksheet is deleted. |
| getCells | Returns the IRange object that represents all the cells on theworksheet (not just the cells that are currently in use). |
| getCellType | Gets the cell type for sheet. |
| getChangedEvent | Occurs when something changes in the cells. |
| getColumnCount | Gets the column count of the worksheet. |
| getColumns | Returns the IRange object that represents all the columns on thespecified worksheet. |
| getComments | Returns the IComments collection that represents all the comments forthe specified worksheet. |
| getCommentsThreaded | Returns the ICommentsThreaded collection that represents all the threaded comments forthe specified worksheet. |
| getControls | Gets the control collection of this worksheet. |
| getDataSource | Gets the data source of data binding for current sheet. |
| getDeactivatedEvent | Occurs when the worksheet is deactivated. |
| getFilterMode | Gets whether the worksheet is in filter mode. |
| getFixedPageBreaks | Gets whether the horizontal and vertical page breaks are fixed when inserting/deleting rows/columns. |
| getFreezeColumn | Gets the frozen column. |
| getFreezeRow | Gets the frozen row. |
| getFreezeTrailingColumn | Gets the number of trailing frozen columns of the sheet. |
| getFreezeTrailingRow | Gets the number of trailing frozen rows of the sheet. |
| getFrozenLineColor | Gets the color of frozen line. |
| getHPageBreaks | Get the collection of horizontal page breaks within the print area. |
| getHyperlinks | Provides access to the collection of Hyperlinks contained in the worksheet. |
| getIndex | Gets the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects. |
| getName | Gets the name of the object. |
| getNames | Returns the INames collection that represents all theworksheet-specific names (names defined with the "WorksheetName!" prefix). |
| getOutline | Returns an IOutline object that represents the outline for thespecified worksheet. |
| getOutlineColumn | Gets the outline column for the worksheet. |
| getPageSetup | Returns a IPageSetup object that contains all the page setup settingsfor the specified object. |
| getPanes | Worksheet panes. |
| getPivotTables | Returns an object that represents either a single PivotTable report a IPivotTables object or a collection of all the PivotTables report IPivotTables object on a worksheet. |
| getProtection | Gets the protection status of the worksheet. |
| getProtectionSettings | Returns the IProtectionSettings object that represents the protectionoptions of the worksheet. |
| getRange | Overloaded. Gets the IRange object with the specified reference. |
| getRowCount | Gets the row count of the worksheet. |
| getRows | Returns the IRange object that represents all the rows on thespecified worksheet. |
| getScenarios | Get the IScenarios object that represents the collection of What-If analysis scenarios in the worksheet. |
| getSelection | Gets the selection range. |
| getSelectionChangeEvent | Occurs when the selection changes on a worksheet. |
| getShapes | Returns a com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing.IShapes object that represents all the shapes on theworksheet or chart sheet. |
| getSheetView | Returns an object that represents the view settings of this worksheet. |
| getShowColumnOutline | Gets whether to display the column outline. The default value is true, and this property only applies when interacting with SJS. |
| getShowRowOutline | Gets whether to display the row outline. The default value is true, and this property only applies when interacting with SJS. |
| getSort | Returns the sorted values in the current worksheet. |
| getSplitColumn | Gets the split column. |
| getSplitRow | Gets the split row. |
| getStandardHeight | Gets the standard (default) height(in points) of all the rows in the worksheet in points. |
| getStandardHeightInPixel | Gets the standard (default) height(in pixels) of all the rows in the worksheet in points. |
| getStandardWidth | Gets the standard (default) width(in points) of all the columns in the worksheet. |
| getStandardWidthInPixel | Gets the standard (default) width(in pixels) of all the columns in the worksheet. |
| getTabColor | Gets the primary color of the tab. |
| getTables | Returns a collection of ITable objects in the worksheet. |
| getTag | Gets the tag of sheet. |
| getType | Gets the sheet's type. |
| getUsedRange | Overloaded. Gets the used range, its behavior is equivalent to getUsedRange(EnumSet.of(UsedRangeType.Axis, UsedRangeType.Data, UsedRangeType.Comment, UsedRangeType.Style, UsedRangeType.Merge)) |
| getVisible | Gets whether the object is visible. |
| getVPageBreaks | Get the collection of vertical page breaks within the print area. |
| getWorkbook | Returns the workbook. |
| move | Overloaded. Moves the sheet to the end of the current workbook. |
| moveAfter | Moves the sheet to the location after the specified sheet. |
| moveBefore | Moves the sheet to the location before the specified sheet. |
| protect | Overloaded. Protects a worksheet so that it cannot be modified. |
| save | Overloaded. Saves current worksheet to the specified file. |
| select | Overloaded. Selects the object. |
| setAutoFilterMode | Sets whether the AutoFilter drop-down arrows are currently displayed on the sheet. |
| setAutoGenerateColumns | Sets whether to generate columns automatically while binding data. |
| setBackgroundPicture | Sets the background graphic for this worksheet. |
| setCellType | Sets the cell type for sheet. |
| setColumnCount | Sets the column count of the worksheet. |
| setDataSource | Sets the data source of data binding for current sheet. |
| setFixedPageBreaks | Sets whether the horizontal and vertical page breaks are fixed when inserting/deleting rows/columns. |
| setFrozenLineColor | Sets the color of frozen line. |
| setIndex | Sets the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects. |
| setName | Sets the name of the object. |
| setProtection | Sets the protection status of the worksheet. |
| setRowCount | Sets the row count of the worksheet. |
| setShowColumnOutline | Sets whether to display the column outline. The default value is true, and this property only applies when interacting with SJS.. |
| setShowRowOutline | Sets whether to display the row outline. The default value is true, and this property only applies when interacting with SJS.. |
| setStandardHeight | Sets the standard (default) height(in points) of all the rows in the worksheet in points. |
| setStandardHeightInPixel | Sets the standard (default) height(in pixels) of all the rows in the worksheet in points. |
| setStandardWidth | Sets the standard (default) width(in points) of all the columns in the worksheet. |
| setStandardWidthInPixel | Sets the standard (default) width(in pixels) of all the columns in the worksheet. |
| setTabColor | Sets the primary color of the tab. |
| setTag | Sets the tag for sheet. |
| setVisible | Sets whether the object is visible. |
| showAllData | Makes all rows of the currently filtered list visible. If AutoFilter is in use, this method changes the arrows to "All." |
| splitPanes | Splits panes at the specified position. |
| toImage | Overloaded. Saves the sheet to the specified image file. |
| toJson | Overloaded. Generates a json string from the worksheet. |
| unfreezePanes | Unfreezes panes. |
| unfreezeTrailingPanes | Unfreezes trailing panes. |
| unprotect | Overloaded. Removes protection from the worksheet. |
| unsplitPanes | Unsplits panes. |