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Interface IColorScaleCriterion

public interface IColorScaleCriterion
Represents the criteria for the minimum, midpoint, or maximum thresholds for a color format conditional format.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a FormatColor object, which specifies the color assigned to the threshold of a color scale conditional format.
    Returns an Integer value that indicates which threshold the criteria represents.
    Returns one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold values for a data bar or color scale conditional format are determined.
    Returns the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold value for a color scale conditional format.
    Sets one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold values for a data bar or color scale conditional format are determined.
    Sets the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold value for a color scale conditional format.
  • Method Details

    • getFormatColor

      IFormatColor getFormatColor()
      Returns a FormatColor object, which specifies the color assigned to the threshold of a color scale conditional format.
    • getIndex

      int getIndex()
      Returns an Integer value that indicates which threshold the criteria represents.
    • getType

      Returns one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold values for a data bar or color scale conditional format are determined.
    • setType

      void setType(ConditionValueTypes value)
      Sets one of the constants of the ConditionValueTypes enumeration, which specifies how the threshold values for a data bar or color scale conditional format are determined.
    • getValue

      Object getValue()
      Returns the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold value for a color scale conditional format.

      You can set the value only if the ColorScaleCriterion.Type property for the conditional format is set to one of the following constants: ConditionValueNumber, ConditionValuePercent, ConditionValuePercentile, or ConditionValueFormula. If the type of threshold is a formula, you can set the formula as a String. The formula must return a single number.

    • setValue

      void setValue(Object value)
      Sets the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold value for a color scale conditional format.

      You can set the value only if the ColorScaleCriterion.Type property for the conditional format is set to one of the following constants: ConditionValueNumber, ConditionValuePercent, ConditionValuePercentile, or ConditionValueFormula. If the type of threshold is a formula, you can set the formula as a String. The formula must return a single number.