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Interface IColorStop

public interface IColorStop
Represents the color stop point for a gradient fill in a range or selection.
  • Method Details

    • getColor

      Color getColor()
      Gets the Color of the represented IColorStop.
    • setColor

      void setColor(Color value)
      Sets the Color of the represented IColorStop.
    • getPosition

      double getPosition()
      Gets the position of the IColorStop.
    • setPosition

      void setPosition(double value)
      Sets the position of the IColorStop.
    • getThemeColor

      ThemeColor getThemeColor()
      Gets the theme color of the represented object.
    • setThemeColor

      void setThemeColor(ThemeColor value)
      Sets the theme color of the represented object.
    • getTintAndShade

      double getTintAndShade()
      Gets the tint and shade of the represented object. The valid number is from -1 (darkest) to 1 (lightest). Zero (0) is neutral.
    • setTintAndShade

      void setTintAndShade(double value)
      Sets the tint and shade of the represented object. The valid number is from -1 (darkest) to 1 (lightest). Zero (0) is neutral.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the represented object.