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Interface IQRCode

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public interface IQRCode extends IBarcode
QRCode is a two dimensional barcode representing symbology that enables effective handling of numeric, alphanumeric and byte data. This barcode can encode up to 7,366 characters.
  • Method Details

    • getErrorCorrectionLevel

      ErrorCorrectionLevel getErrorCorrectionLevel()
      Specifies the QRCode's error correction level.
    • getModel

      int getModel()
      Gets the QRCode model,defult value:2
    • getVersion

      int getVersion()
      Vesion range is 1-14 for model1 and model 2. It has 'auto|1-14|1-40' values. auto configuration is -1.
    • getMask

      int getMask()
      Specify any value between 1 and 7,auto configuration is -1
    • getConnection

      boolean getConnection()
      Gets whether connection is used for the barcode.
    • getConnectionNo

      int getConnectionNo()
      Gets the connection number for the barcode.
    • getCharCode

      String getCharCode()
      A value that represents the collection of characters of QRCode.
    • getCharSet

      String getCharSet()
      A value that represents which charset to use(optional charsets: UTF-8; SHIFT-JIS; SHIFT_JIS).