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Interface ITableStyle

public interface ITableStyle
Represents a single style that can be applied to a table.
  • Method Details

    • isBuiltIn

      boolean isBuiltIn()
      Gets whether the style is a built-in style.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the object.
    • getTableStyleElements

      ITableStyleElements getTableStyleElements()
      Returns the ITableStyleElements object.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the ITableStyle object.
    • duplicate

      ITableStyle duplicate()
      Duplicates the ITableStyle object and returns a reference to the newcopy.
    • duplicate

      ITableStyle duplicate(String newName)
      Duplicates the ITableStyle object and returns a reference to the newcopy.
      newName - The name of the new table style.
    • getShowAsAvailableSlicerStyle

      boolean getShowAsAvailableSlicerStyle()
      Gets whether the specified table style is shown as available in the slicer styles gallery.
    • setShowAsAvailableSlicerStyle

      void setShowAsAvailableSlicerStyle(boolean value)
      Sets whether the specified table style is shown as available in the slicer styles gallery.
    • getShowAsAvailableTableStyle

      boolean getShowAsAvailableTableStyle()
      Gets a table style shown as available in the table styles gallery .
    • setShowAsAvailableTableStyle

      void setShowAsAvailableTableStyle(boolean value)
      Sets a table style shown as available in the table styles gallery .
    • getShowAsAvailablePivotStyle

      boolean getShowAsAvailablePivotStyle()
      Gets a pivot style shown as available in the pivot styles gallery .
    • setShowAsAvailablePivotStyle

      void setShowAsAvailablePivotStyle(boolean value)
      Sets a pivot style shown as available in the pivot styles gallery .