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Interface ISignatureSet

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public interface ISignatureSet extends Iterable<ISignature>
A collection of Signature objects that correspond to the digital signature attached to a document.
  • Method Details

    • getCanAddSignatureLine

      boolean getCanAddSignatureLine()
      Gets a Boolean value indicating whether you can add a signature line to a document. Read-only.
    • getParent

      IWorkbook getParent()
      Returns the Parent object for the specified object.
    • addNonVisibleSignature

      ISignature addNonVisibleSignature()
      Creates a signature packet when digitally signing a document. The signature will be discarded if you save the workbook without signing it.
    • addSignatureLine

      ISignature addSignatureLine(IWorksheet worksheet, double left, double top, double width)
      Adds lines to a document where signatures are collected. Only the "Microsoft Office signature line" is supported. Other signature line providers, such as stamp signatures, are not supported.
      worksheet - The worksheet that the signature line shape will be addedto.
      left - The left of the signature line shape.
      top - The top of the signature line shape.
      width - (Optional width = 192) The width of the signature line shape.
      The created signature.
    • addSignatureLine

      ISignature addSignatureLine(IWorksheet worksheet, double left, double top)
      Adds lines to a document where signatures are collected. Only the "Microsoft Office signature line" is supported. Other signature line providers, such as stamp signatures, are not supported.
      worksheet - The worksheet that the signature line shape will be addedto.
      left - The left of the signature line shape.
      top - The top of the signature line shape.
      The created signature.
    • addSignatureLine

      ISignature addSignatureLine(IWorksheet worksheet, double left, double top, double width, double height)
      Adds lines to a document where signatures are collected. Only the "Microsoft Office signature line" is supported. Other signature line providers, such as stamp signatures, are not supported.
      worksheet - The worksheet that the signature line shape will be addedto.
      left - The left of the signature line shape.
      top - The top of the signature line shape.
      width - (Optional width = 192) The width of the signature line shape.
      height - (Optional height = 100.5) The height of the signature line shape.
      The created signature.
    • getSkipCertificateValidationOnExporting

      boolean getSkipCertificateValidationOnExporting()
      Gets whether the validation of the attached digital certificate of the signed signature should be skipped when exporting signed signatures. The default value is true. If certificate validation is skipped, the certificate will be treated as valid. This is the default behavior. Otherwise, the certificate will be validated with X.509 chain.
    • setSkipCertificateValidationOnExporting

      void setSkipCertificateValidationOnExporting(boolean value)
      Sets whether the validation of the attached digital certificate of the signed signature should be skipped when exporting signed signatures. The default value is true. If certificate validation is skipped, the certificate will be treated as valid. This is the default behavior. Otherwise, the certificate will be validated with X.509 chain.
    • getCount

      int getCount()
      Gets the number of signatures in the signature set.
      The number of signatures.
    • get

      ISignature get(int index)
      Gets the signature at the specified index in the signature set.
      index - The index of the signature.
      The signature at the specified index.