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Interface ISlicerCache

public interface ISlicerCache
Represents the current filter state for a slicer and information about which IPivotCache.
  • Method Details

    • getFilterCleared

      boolean getFilterCleared()
      Returns whether the slicer filter state is cleared.
    • getList

      boolean getList()
      True if the slicer cache is for a slicer on a table. False otherwise.
    • getTable

      ITable getTable()
      Returns a ITable object associated with slicer.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the slicer cache.
    • setName

      void setName(String value)
      Sets the name of the slicer cache.
    • getSourceName

      String getSourceName()
      Returns the name of the data source the slicer is connected to.
    • getPivotTables

      ISlicerPivotTables getPivotTables()
      Returns a ISlicerPivotTables collection that contains informationabout the PivotTables the slicer cache is currently filtering.
    • getSlicerItems

      ISlicerItems getSlicerItems()
      Returns a ISlicerItems collection that contains the collection of allitems in the slicer cache.
    • getSlicers

      ISlicers getSlicers()
      Returns a ISlicers collection that contains the collection ofISlicer objects associated with the specified ISlicerCache.
    • getSortItems

      SlicerSortOrder getSortItems()
      Returns the sort order of the items in the slicer.
    • setSortItems

      void setSortItems(SlicerSortOrder value)
      Sets the sort order of the items in the slicer.
    • clearAllFilters

      void clearAllFilters()
      Clears the filter for slicer, depending on the slicer cache type.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the specified slicer cache and the slicers associated with it.