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Interface IHeaderFooter

public interface IHeaderFooter
Represents a picture or text how to be aligned in the page header and footer.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a IGraphic object that represents a picture field included inthe specified header or footer.
    Returns a Text object that represents text included in the specified header or footer.
    setText(String value)
    Sets a Text object that represents text included in the specified header or footer.
  • Method Details

    • getText

      String getText()
      Returns a Text object that represents text included in the specified header or footer.
    • setText

      void setText(String value)
      Sets a Text object that represents text included in the specified header or footer.
    • getPicture

      IGraphic getPicture()
      Returns a IGraphic object that represents a picture field included inthe specified header or footer.