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Interface IStyleCollection

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public interface IStyleCollection extends Iterable<IStyle>
Represents a collection of all the IStyle objects in the specified oractive workbook.
  • Method Details

    • getCount

      int getCount()
      Returns the number of objects in the collection.
    • get

      IStyle get(String name)
      Returns the IStyle object from a collection.
      name - Specifies the name of an element in the collection.
    • get

      IStyle get(int index)
      Returns the IStyle object from a collection.
      index - Specifies the index of an element in the collection.
    • contains

      boolean contains(String name)
      Determines whether the style name is contained in IStyleCollection.
      name - The style name.
      Whether the style name is contained.
    • add

      IStyle add(String name)
      Creates a new IStyle and adds it to the list of styles that areavailable for the current IWorkbook. This method is functionally equivalent to add(String name, IRange baseOn) with baseOn = null.
      name - The new IStyle name.
    • add

      IStyle add(String name, IRange baseOn)
      Creates a new IStyle and adds it to the list of styles that areavailable for the current IWorkbook.
      name - The new IStyle name.
      baseOn - An IRange object that refers to a cell that's used as thebasis for the new style. If this argument is omitted, the newly created style is based on the Normal style.
      The new IStyle.
    • add

      IStyle add(String name, IStyle baseOn)
      Creates a new IStyle and adds it to the list of styles that areavailable for the current IWorkbook.
      name - The new IStyle name.
      baseOn - An IRange object that refers to be used as the basisfor the new style.
      The new IStyle.