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Interface IDataMatrix

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public interface IDataMatrix extends IBarcode
DataMatrix barcode is a high density, two-dimensional barcode with square modules typically arranged in a square or a rectangular matrix pattern.
  • Method Details

    • getEccMode

      EccMode getEccMode()
      Gets the ECC mode.
    • getEcc200SymbolSize

      String getEcc200SymbolSize()
      Gets the size of the ECC200 symbol
    • getEcc200EndcodingMode

      String getEcc200EndcodingMode()
      Gets the ECC200 encoding mode.
    • getEcc00140SymboleSize

      String getEcc00140SymboleSize()
      Gets the size of the ECC000-140 symbol.
    • getStructureAppend

      boolean getStructureAppend()
      Gets a value indicating whether the current symbol is part of structured append symbols. Remarks: Structured append is only supported by ECC200.
    • getStructureNumber

      int getStructureNumber()
      Gets the structure number of current symbol within the structuerd append symbols. Remarks: The structure number will only be used when ECC mode is DataMatrixEccMode.ECC200.
    • getFileIdentifier

      int getFileIdentifier()
      Gets the file identifier of a related group of structured append symbols. Remarks: The valid file indentifier value should be within [1,254], set file identifier to 0 lets the file identifier of the symbols calculated automatically.