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Interface ILinearGradient

public interface ILinearGradient
Represents the ILinearGradient object that transitions through aseries of colors in a linear manner along a specific angle.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the IColorStopsfor the ILinearGradient object.
    Gets the angle of the linear gradient fill within a selection.
    setDegree(double value)
    Sets the angle of the linear gradient fill within a selection.
  • Method Details

    • getColorStops

      IColorStops getColorStops()
      Returns the IColorStopsfor the ILinearGradient object.
    • getDegree

      double getDegree()
      Gets the angle of the linear gradient fill within a selection.
    • setDegree

      void setDegree(double value)
      Sets the angle of the linear gradient fill within a selection.