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Interface ISparklineGroups

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISparklineGroups extends Iterable<ISparklineGroup>
Represents a collection of sparkline groups.
  • Method Details

    • getCount

      int getCount()
      Gets the number of sparkline groups in the associated IRange object.
    • get

      ISparklineGroup get(int index)
      Returns the ISparklineGroup object from a collection.
      index - Specifies the position of an element in the collection.
    • add

      ISparklineGroup add(SparkType type, String sourceData)
      Creates a new sparkline group and returns an ISparklineGroup object.
      type - The type of sparkline.
      sourceData - Represents the range to use to create the sparkline.
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears the selected sparklines.
    • clearGroups

      void clearGroups()
      Clears the selected sparkline groups.
    • group

      void group()
      Groups the selected sparklines.
    • group

      void group(IRange Location)
      Groups the selected sparklines.
      Location - The range the sparkline group is based on. If it is null, it isbased on the first sparkline in groups.
    • ungroup

      void ungroup()
      Ungroups the sparklines in the selected sparkline group.