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Interface INegativeBarFormat

public interface INegativeBarFormat
Represents the color settings of the data bars for negative values that are defined by a data bar conditional formating rule.
  • Method Details

    • getBorderColor

      IFormatColor getBorderColor()
      Gets a FormatColor object that you can use to specify the border color for negative data bars.
    • getBorderColorType

      DataBarNegativeColorType getBorderColorType()
      Gets whether to use the same border color as positive data bars.
    • setBorderColorType

      void setBorderColorType(DataBarNegativeColorType value)
      Sets whether to use the same border color as positive data bars.
    • getColor

      IFormatColor getColor()
      Gets a FormatColor object that you can use to specify the fill color for negative data bars.
    • getColorType

      DataBarNegativeColorType getColorType()
      Gets whether to use the same fill color as positive data bars.
    • setColorType

      void setColorType(DataBarNegativeColorType value)
      Sets whether to use the same fill color as positive data bars.