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Interface ISparkHorizontalAxis

public interface ISparkHorizontalAxis
Represents the settings for the horizontal axes of a group of sparklines.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the ISparkColor object that specifies the color of thehorizontal axis of the sparkline.
    Gets whether the horizontal axis of the sparkline is based on date values.
    Gets whether the points on the horizontal axis are plotted in right-to-left order.
    setRightToLeftPlotOrder(boolean value)
    Sets whether the points on the horizontal axis are plotted in right-to-left order.
  • Method Details

    • getAxis

      ISparkColor getAxis()
      Gets the ISparkColor object that specifies the color of thehorizontal axis of the sparkline.
    • getIsDateAxis

      boolean getIsDateAxis()
      Gets whether the horizontal axis of the sparkline is based on date values.
      True if the horizontal axis of the sparkline is based on date values;otherwise, false.
    • getRightToLeftPlotOrder

      boolean getRightToLeftPlotOrder()
      Gets whether the points on the horizontal axis are plotted in right-to-left order.
      True if the points on the horizontal axis are plotted inright-to-left order; otherwise, false.
    • setRightToLeftPlotOrder

      void setRightToLeftPlotOrder(boolean value)
      Sets whether the points on the horizontal axis are plotted in right-to-left order.