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Interface IDisplayFormat

public interface IDisplayFormat
Represents the display settings for an associated Range object.

Remark: Actions such as changing the conditional formatting or table style of a range can cause what is displayed in the current user interface to be inconsistent with the values in the corresponding properties of the Range object. Use the properties of the DisplayFormat object to return the values as they are displayed in the current user interface.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets a value that indicates if the application automatically indents text of the associated Range object when the text alignment in a cell is set to equal distribution (either horizontally or vertically), as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a Borders object that represents the borders of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a Font object that represents the font of the associated Range as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that indicates if the formula of the associated Range object is hidden when the worksheet is protected as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that represents the horizontal alignment of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that represents the indent level of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets an Interior object that represents the interior of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that indicates if the associated Range object is locked as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that indicates if the associated Range object contains merged cells as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that represents the format code of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that represents the text orientation of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets the reading order of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that indicates if the application automatically shrinks text to fit in the available column width of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value, containing a Style object, that represents the style of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that represents the vertical alignment of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    Gets a value that indicates if the application wraps the text of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
  • Method Details

    • getAddIndent

      boolean getAddIndent()
      Gets a value that indicates if the application automatically indents text of the associated Range object when the text alignment in a cell is set to equal distribution (either horizontally or vertically), as it is displayed in the current user interface.

      Returns: Returns True if text is automatically indented when the text alignment in the cell is set, either horizontally or vertically, to equal distribution.

    • getBorders

      IBorders getBorders()
      Gets a Borders object that represents the borders of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getFont

      IFont getFont()
      Gets a Font object that represents the font of the associated Range as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getFormulaHidden

      boolean getFormulaHidden()
      Gets a value that indicates if the formula of the associated Range object is hidden when the worksheet is protected as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getHorizontalAlignment

      HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment()
      Gets a value that represents the horizontal alignment of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getIndentLevel

      int getIndentLevel()
      Gets a value that represents the indent level of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getInterior

      IInterior getInterior()
      Gets an Interior object that represents the interior of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getLocked

      boolean getLocked()
      Gets a value that indicates if the associated Range object is locked as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getMergeCells

      boolean getMergeCells()
      Gets a value that indicates if the associated Range object contains merged cells as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getNumberFormat

      String getNumberFormat()
      Gets a value that represents the format code of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getOrientation

      int getOrientation()
      Gets a value that represents the text orientation of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getReadingOrder

      ReadingOrder getReadingOrder()
      Gets the reading order of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getShrinkToFit

      boolean getShrinkToFit()
      Gets a value that indicates if the application automatically shrinks text to fit in the available column width of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getStyle

      IStyle getStyle()
      Gets a value, containing a Style object, that represents the style of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getVerticalAlignment

      VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment()
      Gets a value that represents the vertical alignment of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.
    • getWrapText

      boolean getWrapText()
      Gets a value that indicates if the application wraps the text of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.