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Interface IOutline

public interface IOutline
Represents an outline on a worksheet.
  • Method Details

    • getSummaryColumn

      SummaryColumn getSummaryColumn()
      Gets the location of the summary columns in the outline.
    • setSummaryColumn

      void setSummaryColumn(SummaryColumn value)
      Sets the location of the summary columns in the outline.
    • getSummaryRow

      SummaryRow getSummaryRow()
      Gets the location of the summary rows in the outline.
    • setSummaryRow

      void setSummaryRow(SummaryRow value)
      Sets the location of the summary rows in the outline.
    • showLevels

      void showLevels()
      Displays the specified number of row and column levels of an outline.
    • showLevels

      void showLevels(int rowLevels, int columnLevels)
      Displays the specified number of row and column levels of an outline.
      rowLevels - Optional Object. Specifies the number of row levels of an outlineto display. If the outline has fewer levels than the number specified, it displays all the levels. If this argument is 0 (zero) or is omitted, no action is taken on rows.
      columnLevels - Optional Object. Specifies the number of column levels of anoutline to display. If the outline has fewer levels than the number specified, it displays all the levels. If this argument is 0 (zero) or is omitted, no action is taken on columns.
    • getRowGroupInfo

      List<IGroupInfo> getRowGroupInfo()
      Gets information about all groups in the row direction.
    • getColumnGroupInfo

      List<IGroupInfo> getColumnGroupInfo()
      Gets information about all groups in the column direction.