Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / IRectangularGradient Interface

In This Topic
    IRectangularGradient Interface Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see IRectangularGradient members.

    Public Methods
     MethodGets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the bottom.  
     MethodReturns the IRectangularGradient.ColorStops for the IRectangularGradient object .  
     MethodGets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the left.  
     MethodGets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the right.  
     MethodGets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the top.  
     MethodSets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the bottom.  
     MethodSets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the left.  
     MethodSets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the right.  
     MethodSets the point or vector that the gradient fill converges to at the top.  
    See Also