Xuni Roadmap - 2016 v1
Coming Soon
Here's a look at the Xuni roadmap and a list of what we are expecting to offer for the 2016 v1 release and in an update later this month. 2015 v3.5 Release - Mid December 2015
- Support for Xamarin.Forms 2.0
2016 v1 - Mid March 2016
- FlexGrid Enhancements
- Row details cell allows you to put custom, bound content in an expandable cell below each row.
- Cell merging allows you to merge adjacent cells across columns and down rows.
- Unbound row support allows you to manually add and remove rows to create an "empty" grid to be populated manually.
- Multi-line column and row headers
- Touch feedback for Android and iOS provides a rubber-band or glow effect when the user reaches the top or bottom of the grid.
- FlexChart Enhancements
- Selection via legend allows the user to select a series by tapping the legend.
- Load animation to be applied to all platforms when a series' visibility is toggled.
- Annotations that allow you to draw custom elements positioned along the plot area.
- Legend wrapping for a better adaptive experience on smaller devices.
- New Controls
- Calendar for multiple date selection and month and year views. It has the ability to customize the day slots so you can visualize any information on the calendar.
- Add missing Checkbox and DrawerLayout controls for Xamarin.Forms.
Beyond 2016 v1 we will be closer to having components for reporting, document (viewing, exporting and editing) and scheduling. You can also expect to see libraries for Excel and PDF file generation and integration with FlexGrid. We're also researching how and if we can bring Xuni to the Visual C++ mobile platform and the React Native platform. Due our dynamic development environment these plans are always in fluctuation. We're also interested in hearing what you want us to include - let us know in the comments. Xamarin.Forms Windows Support Regarding Windows support in Xamarin.Forms, at this time we have decided not to support WinRT (Windows 8.x) and instead skip ahead to UWP (Windows 10). Xamarin has released a preview of UWP, and we are working to provide support in our next major release. After the leap to UWP has been made it's likely that new controls will not be released for Windows Phone 8.0, but we will continue to support existing controls including Calendar.