Xuni 2017v1 update available
Available today, you can update Xuni packages to version 2.3.20171.185 through the GrapeCity NuGet feed or nuget.org to obtain the Xuni 2017v1 update. This update adds a number of bugfixes to the previous improvements in the 3.6 hotfix.
Xuni 2017v1 Change Log
Bug Fixes
- [XF] ChartLineMarker's X value is no longer NaN on Android
- [XF] Setting Tooltip Background color no longer can cause a crash on iOS
- [XF] Fixed an IndexOutOfBoundsException that could occur when Clear() method is called
Bug Fixes
- [XF] Setting Tooltip Background color no longer can cause a crash on iOS
Bug Fixes
- [XF] Selection property can now correctly be set through code using the Select() method
- [XF] RowHeaders columns can now collectly be cleared using grid.RowHeaders.Columns.Clear()
- [XF] Setting the size of the first RowHeaderColumn now works correctly
- [XF] Header Alignment should now work correctly on Android
- [XF] Fixed a crash that could occur on Android when resetting the ItemsSource multiple times
- [XF] DefaultRowHeight now works correctly on iOS
- [X.F][Android] Rendering event now correctly triggers on Android
- [iOS] Fixed a crash that could occur when SelectionMode is set to rowRange
- [iOS] Fixed a crash that could occur when SelectionMode is set to CellRange and user is filtering
Bug Fixes
- [XF][iOS] Fixed an issue that could occur where DropDown and Combobox could stop working after navigating to a new page Key: [XF] = Xamarin.Forms, [Android] = native Android, [iOS] = native iOS