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Wijmo 2015 v1 Has Landed


Wijmo Enterprise 2015 v1 has officially landed. We have made some major updates to our brand new Wijmo 5 product. We have also added major new widgets and features to our Wijmo 3 and SpreadJS products.

What's New in Wijmo 5

Angular Support Improvements

This release brings some major improvements to our support for AngularJS. You can now use AngularJS bindings and directives within our controls. For example, you can use ng-repeat to dynamically generate FlexGrid Columns or FlexChart Series objects. We have also added cell templates to our FlexGrid directive. You can use all of our template parts to customize how different cell types render in the FlexGrid. The cell templates support AngularJS bindings as well. For example, you can add a chart to a group-header-cell that is bound to the grouped data.

FlexGrid Filtering

We have added new and improved filtering options for FlexGrid. Our new FlexGridFilter extension (wijmo.grid.filter.js) allows you to add a filtering UI to any FlexGrid control. FlexGridFilter offers smart filters for each column in the FlexGrid. FlexGridFilter only shows options that match the data type of the column. For example, if a column's data type is DateTime, the filter displays a UI applicable to DateTime data, and displays a calendar UI for selection of a comparison DateTime value. We have also included a ValueFilter sample that demonstrates how to create a custom FlexGridFilter extension of your own. This sample includes the TypeScript (and compiled JavaScript) that we used to create the FlexGrid extension. This extension offers a filter UI similar to the one in Excel, including a checkbox list for filtering columns by value. Feel free to use this sample as it is, or customize it to your liking.

FlexGrid Grouping

We have added a new FlexGrid extension called GroupPanel. The GroupPanel control allows you to add a drag-and-drop grouping UI to any FlexGrid control, allowing end users customize how the FlexGrid is grouped. Drag multiple columns into the panel above the FlexGrid to created nested groups.

FlexGrid Frozen Cells

In some applications, it makes sense to freeze certain rows and columns so that they remain in view when the grid scrolls. For example, you can keep a column with product names visible on the left of the grid while scrolling through product data to the right. We have added frozenRows and frozenColumns properties to the FlexGrid in order to support this behavior.

FlexGrid Excel Support

We have added significant support for Excel to FlexGrid. Our ExcelImportExport sample demonstrates how to import and export Excel files with FlexGrid. The sample supports basic formatting, adding column headers, and even expandable grouping. The importing and exporting is done entirely on the client, so this sample has no server-side dependencies. We have also added clipboard support to FlexGrid. End users can now perform copy-and-paste operations in Excel using FlexGrid.

FlexChart Labels

We have added a dataLabels property to FlexChart to let you easily display data for each point in the chart.

FlexChart Export

Our new FlexChartExport sample shows how to export the FlexChart to an image. You can export any chart to png, bmp or jpg formats. This is useful for saving charts or embedding them in documents.

FlexChart Interaction

We have two new samples that demonstrate complex interaction using FlexChart. The FlexChartGroup sample shows how to use CollectionView grouping to create interactive drill-down charts. Choose how you want the data to be grouped, then click on a series to drill down into grouped data. The WeatherChart sample shows how use our new RangeSelector control to filter a large data set in one chart and display the selected details in a second chart.


To theme Wijmo 5 controls, you can use one of our provided base themes and override a few CSS properties to customize them. Now we have made it even easier. You can use our new Theme Designer sample to customize and create your own themes visually. This sample uses our InputColor and ColorPicker controls to make color selection easy.

Dependency Free

Wijmo 5 now has zero dependencies. We have removed jQuery as a dependency and you can now use Wijmo controls independently from any other JS libraries.

Sample Explorer

We have also released a SampleExplorer application to make finding samples on our site easier. You can use the SampleExplorer to search, filter by framework and even browse source code for all of our samples.

What's New in Wijmo 3

Grid: Hierarchical View

Create hierarchical views with wijgrid. Now you can easily visualize parent-child relational data using the wijgrid and its detailgrid feature. You can create hierarchical views that show data from arrays or from oData services.

EventsCalendar: Custom View

Create custom views in eventscalendar with ease. Now you can define your own views, like a 2 Weeks or 2 Months view, by updating the views property of the control.

EventsCalendar: Export

Export the eventscalendar as a PDF file or as an image using the export service. The exported file shows events and the eventscalendar UI.

Chart Navigator

Create Overview-Plus-Detail charts using our charts and our new ChartNavigator control. The ChartNavigator control lets you zoom over a certain period using the range slider. You can also show a hint about the time period as you slide. You can use the chart navigator with Bar, Column, Line, Area, and CandleStick charts.

What's New in SpreadJS?

  • Formula enhancements
  • Designer binding template enhancement
  • Serialization enhancements
  • Filter enhancements
  • Header CellType enhancement

Get Started with Wijmo Enterprise

To get started with Wijmo Enterprise, download the evaluation. The evaluation includes everything you need to get started, including samples, js files, css files, and even Visual Studio project templates.

Chris Bannon - Global Product Manager

Chris Bannon

Global Product Manager of Wijmo