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User Login

Log in as the administrator and as each user that you created in Creating User Accounts, and make sure that you can view the right reports for the category and permission settings.

Log in as the administrator

When you log in with an account that has been set up as Administrator, you can confirm or adjust your report settings. With administrative privileges, you can see all of the reports, and change categories and permissions as needed. Logging in to the Report Portal with the admin account. When you log in as administrator, the Report Portal looks like this. Report portal after logging in as administrator In Setting Report Permissions, we placed reports for each department in the Quick Start category. When we click Quick Start in the left pane as an administrator, reports for all of the departments are displayed. Report Portal with the Quick Start category selected

Log in as a Sales department member

Log in as joe, a member of the Sales department, and when you click Quick Start in the left pane, you see only two reports. Because Joe is a member of the Sales role, only reports that the Sales role is authorized to see appear in the list. For more information on managing users and roles, please refer to Managing Security in the product help. Report Portal as seen when logged in as a member of the Sales role, Joe Also, when you click Quick Start, then HR in the left pane, only the Employee Directory report appears. Since the Employee Directory report has been set up with Read permissions for each department, you can view this report. However, since the Sales department has only Read permissions, the Delete button does not appear. Report Portal HR category logged in as Sales Note: If the content displays differently for you, please review the Sales role settings in Setting Report Permissions. If you're seeing too many reports, check your setting for the Everyone role on the reports.

Log in as a Product Manager

Log in as jimmy, a member of the Product Managers role, to see these three reports when you click the Quick Start category in the left pane. Because Jimmy is a member of the Product Managers role, only reports that the Product Managers role is authorized to see appear in the list. In other words, the reports displayed for Joe in the Sales role are not displayed for Jimmy in the Product Managers role. Report Portal as it appears to a member of the Product Managers role Also, if you click HR in the left pane under Quick Start, you can see the Employee Directory report in the same way that Joe could. Note: If the content displays differently for you, please review the Product Managers role settings in Setting Report Permissions.

Log in as Human Resources

When you log in as jennifer, a member of the Human Resources role, and click the Quick Start category in the left pane, no reports appear. Because Jennifer is a member of the Human Resources role, only reports that the Human Resources role is authorized to see appear in the list. In other words, the reports displayed for Joe in the Sales role and for Jimmy in the Product Managers role do not appear for Jennifer. Report Portal Quick Start category as it appears when logged in as a member of HR Also, if you click HR in the left pane under Quick Start, you can see the Employee Directory report. But as a Human Resources role member, you can also see the Delete button, because you have full access permissions. The Report Portal HR category as it appears when logged in as a member of the Human Resources role Back to ActiveReports Server Quick Start Previous: Find and Display Reports | Next: User Categories


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