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Up Mount Fuji

Mt. Fuji photo

Rick (our CEO) and Neil (running our UK office) are in meetings this week in Japan visiting our Far East partner, GrapeCity. Just last week GrapeCity released the Japanese version of our Spread for Web Forms 2.5 product (SPREAD for .NET 2.5J Web Forms Edition). Now they are putting the finishing touches on the Japanese version of Spread for Windows Forms 2.5 (SPREAD for .NET 2.5J Windows Forms Edition.)

The meetings have been a success. Although there have been many visits in the past, this is the first time that the Spread team has made it to Mount Fuji. We're hoping they bring back some great photos. In case you weren't aware of this, Spread is the number one selling component in Japan, thanks in no small part to the efforts of GrapeCity and the Spread team.



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