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We send Valentines to these tools we love

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I'm sending my love

To my favorite tool.

Unity 3d Game Engine

Bill O'Toole, Customer Engagement

Unity 3D

Unity3D is a game development engine. It has an asset store full of programming scripts and 3D models. If you're a programmer, but don't have an artist to create 3D models, you can purchase assets to bring a pleasing aethetic to you game. If you're an Artist, and don't have a programmer, you can buy frameworks developed by dedicated programmers. And the engine is written in my favorite programming language: C#!


Evan Wright, Digital Marketing Manager


The first month I moved into my house, a tree fell on my neighbor's fence. I quickly upgraded from an axe to a large chainsaw to ensure that no more trees caused me neighborly dissonance. Needless to say, my yard has far fewer trees now, and the remaining ones know better than to fall down.

Ink to Code

Kelley Ricker, XAML Product Manager

Unity 3D

Ink to Code disrupts the UI design process by turning your rough sketches of UI design into actual usable code. A designer can sketch out the basic design of a UI, and Ink to Code can translate it into XAML markup used for a UWP or Xamarin app. Right now it's only an early proof of concept of the idea (admittedly a very cool idea), but in the future this could drastically change how we approach designing UI.

K-Type Mechanical Keyboard

Christian Gaetano, Web Developer

K-Type Mechanical Keyboard

As someone who loves to write not only code but also everything from technical blogs to short stories, I spend a lot of time clicking away at a keyboard. Even though mechanical keyboards are often associated with PC gaming these days, I'd argue that they're even more valuable for writers and developers. There's just something about the added tactile feedback that makes you feel that much closer to whatever it is you're creating. Forged from the feedback of the internet's biggest keyboard community, I think the K-Type offers the best build quality in an approachable format for any level of mechanical keyboard user.

Brain.FM (iOS and Web App)

Kurt Sterling, Account Manager


Brain.FM is, hands-down, the single best productivity tool I've ever used. These state-of-the-art bi-nural beats (electronic music) help keep me locked in and focused during those times of high productivity. I use the app every day to help me focus on the task at hand. Beyod productivity, there are options for Relaxation, Meditation, and Sleep. The Relaxation options are awesome for the drive home and for winding down at the end of the day.

Find & Replace in Visual Studio

Chris Bannon, Global Product Manager, Wijmo

Find and Replace in Visual Studio

One of the most satisfying things for me to do is to apply a huge set of changes across many projects and files. The Find & Replace tool in Visual Studio is perfect for doing it. You can filter the files by type, location and more. You can also use regex when searching for fragments in a file. I've applied some serious product-wide changes to Wijmo this way. And its really satisfying to get it configured and let VisualStudio do all of the tedious work for you.

Excel PivotTable & PivotChart

Eric Peng, Global Product Manager, ComponentOne

Excel Pivot table

Pretty easy to summarize, analyze, explore, and present summary data by using variety visualizations. So that you can easily see comparisons and trends of your data from different perspectives.

Dremel MultiMax Oscillating Tool

Chris Karkowsky, Web Developer

Dremel MultiMax Oscillating Tool

As a new homeowner who's constantly renovating something, I use this tool with most every project. It can cut through galvanized fencing, sand doors, and pull up tile with ease. I have yet to find something it can't do.

Bulk Rename Utility

Jody Handley, Product Marketing Manager

Bulk Rename Utility

I spend a lot of time building blogs, organizing images, and optimizing filenames. It's not glamorous, but the Bulk Rename Utility has all the bells and whistles: lowercase or uppercase. Prefixes and suffixes. Replace characters. Even the dreaded RegEx! I use it at least twice a week and I'd lead a far more annoyed life without it.

Side note: I originally wrote down White Noise App, and saw that Kurt had also suggested one. And then Find and Replace, which Chris Bannon also suggested. We're all alike on the inside, aren't we, folks?

Happy Valentine's, all! I hope all your tools bring you much joy and relaxation today.

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