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The BizTalk Server: SOA & Business Process conference - day one


The first day exhibition floor activity was tonight from 5pm-8pm. The food was great, the beer was plentiful (and a very good selection), and the attendee participation was great!

I apologize for our booth being a little under-prepared at the start of today's session, but the second leg of our flight was cancelled and we had to wait for the next flight. Pete and Neal, who did an excellent job, were sort of launched into the abyss for the first hour of the exhibitors session. Pete was glad to see me as he told me he had never wanted to kiss a guy so badly in his life. That image startled me, and darned right scared me. I spent the entire time from when I arrived until nearly 8pm giving demos, and Pete was answering questions and explaining licensing issues. It was great to see our booth so busy.

The feedback we received from the folks at the conference who stopped by our booth was great. I cannot wait to get back tomorrow and hear more comments and suggestions - except for the 7:30am start... From the discussions this evening I have enough ideas to keep Spread for BizTalk development running steadily for several future versions.

John Flanders, of BizTalk Gurus fame, stopped by our booth briefly, but I was in the middle of a demo and did not have a chance to talk with him. John, if you get a chance please stop back by. I want to thank you in person for you assistance in answering some property promotion questions that allowed us to get out version 1.
