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Speaking at CMAP Code Camp 2010.2

Next weekend (11/6/2010) I’ll be speaking at CMAP Code Camp, presenting on Windows Phone 7, WCF and Azure. There is a great speaker lineup, and still time to register.

Building a Windows Phone 7, Azure and WCF Application
Rich Dudley
Level: Intermediate

Building a Windows Phone 7, Azure and WCF Application

Windows Phone 7 and Azure are hot topics this year, and the two together is a winning combination. In this session, we'll have a short overview of Azure and WCF, then look at the free tools and guidelines used to build applications for WP7 (you don't even need a phone to get started). We'll then dig in and create a WCF service backed by SQL Azure, then create a WP7 app to consume the service and display the data.


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