Show Me Your Wijmo
Unfortunately we couldn't make it to jQCon this year, but we still want to do something special for the attendees. For those of you who were there last year you know we handed out shirts, buttons and stickers. Not to mention launching our beta live on stage! So this year we want to do something special for everyone who showed us so much love last year. We are giving away a license of Wijmo Complete to EVERYONE THAT WEARS THEIR WIJMO SHIRT AT JQCON!
Photo Bomb for a Free License of Wijmo
That's right, wear your wijmo shirt and tweet/post about it and we will hook you up. Here is how to get the free license of Wijmo Complete at jQuery Conference.
- Take a picture of yourself in a Wijmo shirt at jQCon
- Post it on twitter, facebook or a blog
- Email us the link to the post:
No Shirt, No Problem
If you don't have a Wijmo shirt, no worries. If you post something nice about Wijmo on twitter, facebook or a blog from jQCon we will send you a free shirt! Email us at with a link and your address to get your shirt before we run out.