Runtime Interactions in WPF Gantt Chart
The new WPF Gantt control, GanttView, supports all the major Gantt chart needs--predecessors, dependencies, constraints, time-scales, etc. It also provides 17 built-in runtime dialogs so your users can seamlessly interact with the project management tool, and you won't need to write a single line of code. Grid columns allow the user to set the visibility and order of columns in their view. Grid columns user dialog Task information dialog is used to specify details for new tasks, including name, mode, start, and finish. Users can click into the Resources, Advanced, and Notes tabs to add additional information. Task information user dialog Users can even set the styles of the progress lines and bars within the control: Progress line style dialog Bar style dialog Every dialog is built in to the control, and requires no additional coding from you. Click through the full list to explore all the options on runtime interactions in GanttView for WPF:
- Grid columns dialog
- Task information dialog
- Field styles dialog
- Group dialog
- DateRange dialog
- Using resource dialog
- Advanced filter dialog
- More filter dialog
- Sort dialog
- Project information dialog
- Change working time dialog
- Progress line dialog
- Resources dialog
- Timescale dialog
- Bar styles dialog
- Zoom dialog
- Print dialog