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Integrate Spreadsheet into CaplinTrader by Using SpreadJS


CaplinTrader by Caplin, is a pure HTML5 technology product that provides sophisticated ready-to-run trading front ends for a range of asset classes. CaplinTrader comes complete with tools that make it easy to style, brand, modify and extend these. TeamFirefly, Caplin Lab's Hackday winning team, created a very cool demo - ScratchPad. ScratchPad integrates spreadsheets into the CaplinTrader application by using Wijmo SpreadJS, from ComponentOne, a division of GrapeCity. "Using the Wijmo SpreadJS, we spiked out a blade that would integrate a spreadsheet into Caplin Trader" they said in their community. The demo not only provides an Excel syntax compatible formula, but also shows real time data by using custom function and drag-drop data from other parts of the application, TeamFirefly completed this really cool demo only in 24 hours, which is awesome! Here is a video they made for the demonstration.


ScratchPad - Hackday IV Winner from Caplin Systems on Vimeo.

About Caplin Lab

Caplin Lab is a lab where developer teams from Caplin share some of the cool things that they create on the job.